Page 172 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 172
11Quadrilateral Puzzle Unit

Material Colored Pencils

2 . Circle if the quadrilateral belongs to the group. Cross out if the 2. Have the students circle the names that
describe the given figure and cross out the
quadrilateral does not belong to the group. names that do not describe the figure.

a. 2a. Since there are no parallel sides, the only
word that describes this figure is,
quadrilateral trapezoid parallelogram quadrilateral.

rhombus rectangle square 2b. Since there is one pair of parallel sides, this
figure is a trapezoid.
2c. Since there are two pairs of parallel sides
quadrilateral trapezoid parallelogram and opposite sides that are equal, this
figure is a parallelogram.
rhombus rectangle square
2d. Since there are two pairs of parallel sides
c. and opposite sides that are equal, it is a
parallelogram. It also has 4 right angles
quadrilateral trapezoid parallelogram which makes it a rectangle.

rhombus rectangle square 2e. Since there are two pairs of parallel sides
and opposite sides that are equal, it is a
d. parallelogram. It also has 4 equal sides
which makes it a rhombus.
quadrilateral trapezoid parallelogram
2f. Since there are two pairs of parallel sides
rhombus rectangle square and opposite sides that are equal, it is a
parallelogram. It also has 4 equal sides and
e. 4 right angles which makes it a rhombus,
rectangle, and square.
quadrilateral trapezoid parallelogram
Each figure has 4 sides and 4 angles, so all
rhombus rectangle square are quadrilaterals.


quadrilateral trapezoid parallelogram

rhombus rectangle square

11. Quadrilateral Puzzle 93

4 equal sides. 4 right angles. 4 right angles.
Two pairs of parallel sides. Opposite sides that are equal. 4 equal sides.
Rhombus Two pairs of parallel sides. Two pairs of parallel sides.
Rectangle Square

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