Page 208 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 208
13Identify and Draw the Front, Side, and Top views of Solid Figures Unit

139-B4-1 139-B4-2

Draw Top, Front, and Side Views 2. Draw the top, front, and side views of each solid figure.
1. Draw the top, front, and side views of each solid figure.
a. top view

top view front view side view

top view top view front view side view side view
side view

front view

front view

a. top view b. top view front view side view
side view top view
top view front view side view side view
front view
front view

b. top view front view side view c. top view front view side view
top view top view
side view
side view

front view

front view

Objective Draw the top, front, and side Objective Find the correct solid figure using
views for each figure. the views.

Textbook Reference Activity 3 Textbook Reference Activity 3

139-B5-1 a. top view front view side view 139-B5-2

Find Solid Figures Solid figure
1. Find the solid figure that matches the front, top, and side views.

Triangular Pentagonal Square Hexagonal Cylinder
Pyramid Prism
Prism Pyramid

b. top view front view side view Solid figure

Sphere Triangular Cube Rectangular Cone
Pyramid Prism

Example front view side view Solid figure

top view

c. top view front view side view Solid figure

Objective Make the solid figures using the Objective Make the solid figures using the
views. views.

Textbook Reference Activity 2 Textbook Reference Activity 2

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