Page 205 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 205
Activity 3 Draw the Side View

jOb ective Use two-dimensional top views to create two-dimensional side views of geometric shapes.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 3 Draw the Side View

Students should now be familiar with the 1 . Draw the side views of shapes by using the top views.
difference between two-dimensional and
three-dimensional views of the geometric figures. Let’s Play What you need:
Soft Geometric Solids
1. Have students draw side views of the 1. Look at the top views of stacked figures.
geometric solids by playing this game. 2. Stack 2 soft geometric solids to match each

Look at the top view of the stacked figure. top view.
Stack two of the solids to match the top 3. Study the shapes built, and draw the side
Study the new shape and draw the side views.
The side view drawing is a two-dimensional
view of the new figure. Emphasize that this
is still an accurate drawing of the new

Top view Side view


2. Build Understanding

The top view of a cube looks the same as the top view of the square pyramid.
However, while you can stack other solids on top of a cube (which has a flat top), you cannot stack solids on
top of a square pyramid. The top of a square pyramid is actually a raised point. Nothing can be stacked on
top of a square pyramid.
Explain that this always a consideration when stacking items, such as boxes and cans in a supermarket
display, and that a flat top is required for stacking.

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