Page 201 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 201
Activity 1

Discuss the top, front, and side views of a Learn about the top, front, and side views of a rectangular prism.
rectangular prism.
What is the shape of the rectangular prism Top view
from the top view? When viewed from the
top, a rectangular prism appears to be a Side view
What is the shape of the rectangular prism Front view
from the front view? When viewed from the
front, a rectangular prism appears to be a 3 . Use soft geometric solids to study the solid figures below. Then draw
What is the shape of the rectangular prism the top, front, and side views of each figure.
from the side view? When viewed from the
side, a rectangular prism appears to be a What you need: Soft Geometric Solids
3. Have students draw the top, front, and side
views for both a cube and a cone. All drawings
should be flat, two-dimensional drawings.

Top view Front view Side view


Top view Front view Side view


The example drawings in 3a and 3b show a three-dimensional cube and cone. Students are asked to draw
two-dimensional drawings only; they should not try to illustrate depth.
If possible, darken the classroom for a few minutes before students begin their drawings. This will eliminate
light reflection and emphasize the two-dimensional aspect of these solids.

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