Page 198 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 198
13Different Views Unit

Objective: Learn about the solid figures and their top, front, and side views. Discuss Ryan’s broken spacecraft. Use the
names of the solid figures from previous units.
Chat What did Ryan draw from his top view? A
What does the broken spacecraft look like? circle inside a square.
What did Ann draw from her side view? A
Have students describe the spacecraft using the names of the figures learned in previous units. rectangle on top of a square.
Ryan drew a circle inside a square. What solid figures actually make up
Ann drew a rectangle on top of a square. Ryan’s broken spacecraft? A cylinder on
The broken spacecraft is a cylinder on top of a cube. top of a cube.

Draw the top and side views of the solid figure below. Have students make two drawings of the
shapes shown.

Drawing 1 should be Ryan’s top view
(what he sees from above).
Drawing 2 should be Ann’s side view
(what she sees at eye level).

13. Different Views 107

Explain that the top of the rectangle is square in shape; that is why Ryan sees a square inside a circle from
his top view. At the same time, Ann sees a rectangle sitting on top of a square. She cannot see the curved
edges of the cylinder, so she sees it as rectangular.
Can Ryan tell us how tall the spacecraft is? Can Ann tell us how wide the spacecraft is? Neither Ryan nor
Ann can answer these questions from their drawings. The two-dimensional shapes used in these drawings
do not give any sense of depth.
For example, the square in Ryan’s drawing might be a rectangle that is only one inch high or it could be up
to one hundred inches high. The two-dimensional drawings cannot illustrate depth.

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