Page 197 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 197
13Unit Different Views

jOb ective Learn how solid figures have different appearances depending on your view.

1. Textbook Instructions UNIT

In the unit, students will learn to see solid, 13 Different Views
geometric figures from different views. A
different view often changes the way you see Ann watched the little prince fly away in his new spacecraft.
these figures. He left his old broken spacecraft hidden behind the bushes.
“Oh! I’ll draw the shape of the broken spacecraft and travel to
Have students look at the spacecraft another planet someday.”
drawings by Ryan and Ann. Ann stood up in front of the broken spacecraft and drew its shape
Why are these two drawings of the same on a piece of paper.
spacecraft different? Ryan views the broken “Huh? What are you drawing? The spacecraft doesn’t look
spacecraft from the top view (from above), any thing like that!”
while Ann sees the broken spacecraft from Ann looked up.
the side view (at eye level). Ryan was sitting on a branch, looking down at her and the broken
What does this spacecraft actually look spacecraft.
like? Discuss how other spacecraft might
look from the top and side views.


2. Build Understanding

Just as there are many sides to any story, there are many ways to view solid figures. From the
side, Ann sees the broken spacecraft as a rectangle sitting on top of a square. But if she would
walk around the spacecraft, she would see that this “rectangle” has rounded edges. That
makes it a cylinder.

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