Page 199 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 199
Activity 1 Observing Solid Figures

jOb ective Study the names and views of different solid figures.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 1 Observing Solid Figures

Give the students soft geometric solids to Learn about the solid figures.
handle and study.
What you need: Soft Geometric Solids
Have students understand that each figure
presents a different view as it is rotated. Cone Triangular Square
The concepts of dimension and depth are Prism Pyramid
best understood when students can see
and feel the shapes.

Note that the textbook drawings show the
solid figures in a three-dimensional manner.

Remind students to consider these
three-dimensional views when they
complete the textbook problems.

Hexagonal Cylinder Rectangular
Prism Prism

Cylinder Cube Sphere


2. Build Understanding

Ryan’s top view of his broken spacecraft showed a circle and a square. The circle was actually a tall cylinder
(which has a circular top).
What other figures on this page might look like a circle if Ryan viewed them from above? The cone (1), the
short cylinder (7), and the sphere (9).

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