Page 203 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 203
Activity 2 Building Shapes

jOb ective Join geometric solids together to form new shapes.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 2 Building Shapes

1. Have students stack the tall cylinder on top 1 . Study the top and side views of the spacecraft on the first page of
of the cube.
the unit. Then build the spacecraft using soft geometric solids. Which
Have students stand directly over the figure solid figures are used to build the spacecraft?
to get the top view. The top view creates a
two-dimensional view as shown (a circle What you need: Soft Geometric Solids
inside a square). This figure shows how
Ryan views the broken spacecraft. Top view Side view
Have students view the same figure at eye
level to get the side view. The side view 2 . Stack soft geometric solids to build the shapes.
creates a two-dimensional view as shown
(a rectangle on top of a square). This figure LLeett’’ssPPllaayy What you need:
shows how Ann views the broken Soft Geometric Solids
spacecraft. 1. Divide into groups.
2. Each group stacks soft geometric solids
2. Have students use geometric solids to build
new shapes by playing this game. using the top and side views drawn on
the card.
Hand out the soft geometric solids to
Divide students into groups.


2. Build Understanding

Another way to emphasize the two-dimensional view is to have students place the palm of one hand over one
of their eyes. To a small degree, this minimizes depth perception for close-up viewing (less than 10 feet).
Have students stand over the stacked figures and try the “one-eye” approach with the top view.

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