Page 200 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 200
13Different Views Unit

Material Soft Geometric Solids

1 . Sort the solid figures according to the shapes viewed from the top. 1. As viewed from the top, have students sort
the solid figures into four shapes: circle, triangle,
circle triangle rectangle, and hexagon.
What figures go into the shape bag labeled
, “circle”? Figures 1, 5, 7, and 9 (cone, tall
cylinder, short cylinder, and sphere). All of these
,, figures look like a circle when viewed from
rectangle hexagon What figures go into the shape bag labeled
“rectangle?” Figures 3, 6, and 8 (square
,, pyramid, rectangular prism, and cube). All of
these figures look like a square (which is also
2 . Sort the solid figures according to the shapes viewed from the side. considered a rectangle) when viewed from
triangle rectangle circle
2. As viewed from the side, have students sort
,, the solid figures into three shapes: triangle,
rectangle, and circle.
,,,, What figures go into the shape bag labeled
“triangle”? Figures 1 and 3 (cone and square
13. Different Views 109 pyramid). Both figures look like a triangle when
viewed from above.
What figures go into the shape bag labeled
“circle”? Only figure 9 (sphere). All the
remaining figures go into the shape bag labeled

Figures appear different when viewed from different viewing angles. In this activity, the top and side views are
View the bags used in 1 and 2.
What figures always look the same from any angle? The circle (1), rectangular prism (6), and cube (8).

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