Page 21 - b reading 일부
P. 21


                    1 	 		According	to	paragraph	2,	why	was	        5 	 	Based	on	the	information	in	the

                        Helen	deaf	and	blind?                            passage,	you	can	infer	that	Ann	was	a
                                                                         good	teacher	for	Helen	because
                         A   She was born that way.
                         B    She was in a car accident.                  A   she was very nice to Helen
                         C   She got sick as a young child.               B    she was also disabled
                         D   She had an operation.                        C   she was very smart
                                                                          D   she gave Helen lots of homework
                    	   Paragraph	2	is	marked	with	an	arrow	[ ( ].

                    2 	 	According	to	the	passage,	why	was	         6 	 	According	to	paragraph	4,	which	of	the
                        Helen	such	a	difficult	child?                    following	best	explains	the	term	finger
                         A   She was mean.
                         B    Her parents could not teach her how         A   Spelling the word “finger”
                             to act.                                      B      Moving a finger across a hand to
                         C    She was angry about being deaf                 spell a word
                             and blind.                                   C    A way of teaching deaf children to
                         D   She did not like her family.
                                                                          D   Drawing an object with your finger

                                                                    	    Paragraph	4	is	marked	with	an	arrow	[ ( ].
                    3 	 	The	word	improved	in	the	passage	is
                        closest	in	meaning	to
                                                                    7 	 	According	to	paragraph	4,	what	difficulty
                         A   perfected
                         B    cured                                      did	Ann	have	in	teaching	Helen?
                         C   made better                                  A   Helen was a bad student.
                         D   changed                                      B    Helen could not finger spell.
                                                                          C    Helen could finger spell words,
                                                                             but she did not understand their
                    4 	 	The	word	it	in	the	passage	refers	to	               meaning.

                         A   Ann Sullivan                                 D    Helen only liked to play with her
                         B    operation                                      dolls.
                         C   teacher                                	    Paragraph	4	is	marked	with	an	arrow	[ ( ].
                         D   sight

                                                                                   Chapter 1. Reference and Vocabulary  25
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