Page 23 - b reading 일부
P. 23
1 Based on the information in paragraph 5 Look at the four squares [ ] that
1, the term eclipse can best be indicate where the following sentence
explained as could be added to the passage.
A when it is very dark during the day Then, the Chinese would be ready to
B a terrifying event scare the dragon away.
C when the moon blocks the light of Where would the sentence best fit?
the sun Click on a square [ ] to add the
D when the sun stops making light sentence to the passage.
Paragraph 1 is marked with an arrow [ ( ].
6 According to the passage, what effect
2 The phrase their causes in the passage did an eclipse have on the war between
refers to the causes of the Lydians and the Medes?
A eclipses A It made the Lydians win the war.
B events B It made the war very bloody.
C people C It ended the war.
D years D It made the war very long.
3 According to paragraph 2, the ancient 7 According to the passage, how do
Chinese thought eclipses were caused by eclipses help us understand history?
A shooting arrows into the air A They explain why wars ended.
B angry gods B They help us learn the dates of
C a dragon eating the sun events in history.
D bad astronomers C They tell us about ancient gods.
Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow [ ( ]. D They tell us about the strange
beliefs of ancient societies.
4 The word forecast in the passage is
closest in meaning to
A study B make
C predict D prevent
Chapter 1. Reference and Vocabulary 27