Page 52 - Writing Pie_1
P. 52

An AUDIENCE is anyone who reads, sees, or hears your
writing. The AUDIENCE could be your teacher, a friend,
an adult, your classmates, a young child, or your parents.

Think about who they are. Choose the right TONE for
your audience.

EXAMPLE Look at the beginning of each passage and choose its AUDIENCE.

1. Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a princess.

parents 4 young children teenage boys

2. On sale now!These shoes will give you more speed and higher

4 athletes mothers teachers

TURN Read the sentences. Then choose the best AUDIENCE for each.

1. Dear Sir, Our city has a problem with pollution. We’d like to help.

teacher parent city official

2. M eet me after school. I have good news!

parent friend teacher

3. I’m sorry my report will be late. I was sick and could not finish it on

friend parent teacher

Unit 5. VOICE ✷ 53
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