Page 50 - Writing Pie_1
P. 50

1 Choose the right tone for these kinds of writing.

a. amused Report about powerful tsunamis

b. amazed Ghost story

c. scared Story about your best friend moving away

d. sad Letter to your friend about a new puppy

2 Read the following paragraph. Choose the right tone.

It was a lazy summer afternoon. Birds flew silently
across the clouds. Fish swam quietly in the pond.
Somewhere a dog barked. All I wanted was a nap
in the sun!

calm thrilled angry tense

3 Finish these sentences to show the correct tone. ! (excited)
. (frightened)
a. I opened the envelope to find . (annoyed)
b. When it was time for my speech,
c. The teacher

4 Circle words that show an angry tone.

upset pleased annoyed furious gloomy proud

Think of two more words that could show anger.

Unit 5. VOICE ✷ 51
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