Page 55 - Writing Pie_1
P. 55

Everyone has a different STYLE! Let your personality show through your
words. The words you choose show your thoughts and feelings. There are
many ways to add STYLE to your writing:
• Repeat words
• Use “most, least, greatest, best, worst” words
• Use words with strong feelings
• Use quotations (spoken words)

EXAMPLE The underlined words add STYLE to the paragraph.

“I love, love, love gymnastics! I am happiest when I am flipping
through the air. No, it’s not easy. Gymnastics is hard work. But I
don’t care!There is nothing I love to do more.”

TURN Which paragraph has more personality?

1. “Sleeping late on weekends is good. I do
not like getting up early for school. In the
afternoon, I like to take a nap.”

2. “No one dares to wake me early on
weekends! I am as grumpy as an old bear.
School days start much too early for me!”

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