Page 46 - Writing Pie_1
P. 46

1 H ere is the main idea of a paragraph. Decide the sentences that are details

(D), and the the best conclusion (C).

Main Idea: Last summer was very hot and dry.

People were told to use less water.
Fires broke out in many places.
Everyone was happy when the first rain began.

2 H ere is the conclusion of a paragraph. Decide the sentences that are

details (D), and the main idea (M).

Conclusion: She hopes that this will be her career one day.

She reads everything she can about nursing.
Ginny wants to be a nurse when she grows up.
Ginny loves to watch the nurses at the hospital.

3 H ere are the details of a letter. Write the details in the right order.

Details: I got a new winter coat. Tomorrow, I’ll wear my new coat to school.
So my mom and I went to the mall.

Dear Lee,
When I woke up today, my mom said we were going shopping.

Tim . I know you will like it.

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