Page 66 - Writing Pie_1
P. 66

1 Choose a good main idea sentence for this paragraph.

Jan’s favorite game is chess. She also likes to play Monopoly because it uses
luck and skill. If she is alone, Jan enjoys playing card games. She likes to learn
new games to teach her friends.

a. Jan loves to play games.
b. Checkers is a fun game to play.
c. Jan doesn’t like to be the loser at games.

2 C hoose a good conclusion sentence for this paragraph.

My little sister, Mia, watches too much television. A little child shouldn’t spend
hours staring at a screen. She needs to run and play outside. Maybe I could
spend more time reading books to her.
a. Her favorite show is about a bunny.
b. I like to watch television sometimes too.
c. I think we should pull the plug on the television!

3 Choose 3 detail sentences for the main idea and conclusion below.

I have a very smart dog namedYo-Yo.

I don‘t know many dogs that can do such amazing tricks!

I taught him lots of tricks.
I also have a cat.
Yo-Yo can lie down and roll over.
Yo-Yo is black and white.
Yo-Yo is three years old.
He can also wave his paw to greet people.

Unit 1. EXPOSITORY ✷ 67
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