Page 72 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
P. 72
14th @ IRVING
64 12 19 15 LEED CS 2009 Scorecard 6/8/2018 Project Manager: Keith Amann Built Ecology
Certified: 40-49 points; Silver: 50-59 points; Gold: 60-79 points; Platinum: 80 - 110 points email:
Project Information Forms
Complies with local environmental laws, is a
P PIf1: Minimum Program Reqs. permanent structure, has a reasonable site WSP
boundary, minimum SF, commits to sharing water
Provide SF data for the project and building, budget, Confirm final site and building SF areas. LEED
P PIf2: Project Summary Details site info, and energy and water supply info Project Boundary includes sidewalks to street, DBB
extending beyond the property line. RAL
Enter space use and occupancy data WSP calculating occupancy default based program WSP
P PIf3: Occupant Usage Data type. DBB
Enter project schedule and upload general plans
P PIf4: Schedule Overview Docs. provide a general narrative about the project and the WSP
MEP systems
19 0 6 5 Sustainable Sites (SS)
Implement an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Sam
P SSp1: Construction Activity plan per EPA Construction General Permit (or local Standard practice in NYC, civil to develop narrative Schwartz
Pollution Prevention (C) code) describing measures implemented to prevent plan, Suffolk to implement control measures.
loss of soil, sedimentation, and pollution. Suffolk
Avoid threatened habitat, parkland, farmland,
1 SSc1: Site Selection (D) 1 wetlands (100'), AND previously undeveloped land 5' Confirmed WSP
above 100 yr floodplain 50' from water bodies.
Previously developed site in community with min.
5 SSc2: Development Density & 5 density of 60,000 sq. ft. per acre net (two-story Anticipate exemplary performance WSP
Community Connectivity (D)
downtown development).
Develop on site classified as a brownfield by a local/
1 SSc3: Brownfield Redevelopment 1 state/ federal govt. agency. Effectively remediate site Confirm no asbestos or other site contamination.
(D) contamination.
Within 1/4 mile of one or more stops for two or more
6 SSc4.1: Alternative Transportation, 6 public or campus bus lines. WSP completing documentation, anticipate WSP
Public Transportation Access (D)
exemplary performance
>300,000 sf: Secure bike storage for 3% of peak
building users for up to 300,000 sf then an additional Confirm bike racks and showers to be located in
SSc4.2: Alternative Transportation, 0.5% for occupants in space over 300,000. cellar or fitness center amenity and accessible to all RAL
2 Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms 2 Y tenants: WSP
(D) Bike racks required: ~30 DBB
Showers required: ~5
Preferred parking for low-emitting/fuel efficient
(LE/FE) vehicles for 5% of parking capacity
SSc4.3: Alternative Transportation, OR
3 Low Emitting and Fuel Efficient 3 Provide 20% discount for LE/FE vehicles. No parking planned, N/A
Vehicles (D) OR
Install alt-fuel stations for 3% of total vehicle parking
Size parking capacity to meet, not exceed, min. local
zoning reqs AND for projects that provide parking for
2 SSc4.4: Alternative Transportation, 2 less than 5% of FTE occupants, provide preferred No parking planned WSP
Parking Capacity (D)
parking for carpools or vanpools with signage for 3%
of total parking spaces OR provide 20% discount for
carpool/vanpool vehicles.
Previously developed: Restore/protect a min. of 50%
of site area (excluding the building footprint) or 20%
SSc5.1: Site Development, Protect of total site area (including building) whichever is > ~3,000 sf of native vegetation required, not likely
0 0 2 or Restore Habitat (C)* 1 with native or adapted veg. **Projects earning SS achievable. Alternative option would be to donate RAL
*Regional Priority Bonus Point
money to land trust.
Avail. Credit 2 and using veg. roof surfaces can use veg. (RP credit available for 1 additional point)
roof surface in calculation if plants meet
native/adapted definition.
Sites with zoning but no open space reqs: provide
veg. open space = 20% of project site area.
**For urban projects earning SSc2, veg. roof areas Roof and rear courtyard would need to be
0 1 SSc5.2: Site Development, 1 AND pedestrian hardscape areas (with 25% of open considered publicly accessible. RAL
Maximize Open Space (D) space to be veg.) AND wetlands/ponds with 1:4 or (~3,000 sf of open space required, with min. 750 sf DBB
less gradient count as open space. to be vegetated).
SSc6.1: Stormwater Design - Sites with imperviousness ≥ 50%:
2 Quantity Control (D)* 1 Implement stormwater mgmt plan resulting in 25% Consider capturing roof runoff for on-site reuse WSP
decrease in the quantity of stormwater runoff from 2-
*Regional Priority Bonus Point
Avail. year, 24-hour design storm.
Use Best Management Practices (BMPs) to treat
1 SSc6.2: Stormwater Design - 1 80% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for 90% average Discuss opportunities for treatment at detention tank WSP
Quality Control (D)
with filtration system
annual rainfall.
For 50% of the site hardscape provide:
- Tree shade (within 5 yrs of occupancy)
1 SSc7.1: Heat Island Effect - Non- 1 - Shade from structures covered with solar panels or Confirm finishes at ground level and ensure light DBB
roof (C) with SRI ≥ 29. colored (typical concrete or other) surfaces selected.
- Paving materials with SRI ≥ 29
- Open grid pavement (50% pervious)
WSP Built Ecology 1 of 4