Page 75 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
P. 75

14th @ IRVING

   64  12  19  15  LEED CS 2009 Scorecard  6/8/2018                        Project Manager: Keith Amann   Built Ecology
                 Certified: 40-49 points; Silver: 50-59 points; Gold: 60-79 points; Platinum: 80 - 110 points  email:
   Y   H  L  N                                                        TENANT
                                       Employ entry mats (10' long in direction of travel) at   Discuss plans for entrance lobby and potential for
          1     IEQc5: Indoor Chemical & Pollutant   1  major entrances, exhaust and separate areas of   Y  entry system to capture contaminants. Lease   WSP
                                       chemical use, incorporate MERV-13 filters, provide
                Source Control  (D)
                                       containment for disposal of liquid hazmats.  language required for tenant spaces.
                                       Provide thermal comfort controls or operable
          1     IEQc6: Controllability of Systems -   1  windows for 50% of occupants and for shared multi-  Y  Discuss potential with VRF system  WSP
                                       occupant spaces.
                Thermal Comfort  (D)
    1           IEQc7: Thermal Comfort - Design   1  Design HVAC systems to meet ASHRAE 55-2004   Y  Standard practice  WSP
                                       (temperature and humidity)
                                       Via computer simulation, prescriptive method,
    1           IEQc8.1: Daylight & Views -   1  measurement method or a combination thereof:  Y  Built Ecology to analyze and share results  WSP
                                       Achieve daylighting for 75% of all regularly occupied
                Daylight (D)
    1           IEQc8.2: Daylight & Views - Views   1  Incorporate views to exterior for 90% of occupants   Y  Built Ecology to document  WSP
                                       (both in plan and section view.)
    6  0  0  0 Innovation and Design (ID)
                                       Path 1: Innovation and Design - EP - SSc2:
    1           IDc1A: Innovation and Design   1  Development Density & Community Connectivity  Exemplary Performance Density   WSP
                                       Path 1: Innovation and Design - 1 pt for each
    1           IDc1B: Innovation and Design   1  innovation (no more than 5 pts)  Exemplary Performance Transportation   WSP
                                       Path 2: Exemplary Performance: no more than 3 pts
                                       Path 1: Innovation and Design - 1 pt for each
    1           IDc1C: Innovation and Design   1  innovation (no more than 5 pts)  Low-mercury lighting, other Ops plans  WSP
                                       Path 2: Exemplary Performance: no more than 3 pts
                                       Path 1: Innovation and Design - 1 pt for each
    1           IDc1D: Innovation and Design   1  innovation (no more than 5 pts)  Cooling tower management plan  WSP
                                       Path 2: Exemplary Performance: no more than 3 pts
                                       Path 1: Innovation and Design - 1 pt for each   Identify health, smart, or other innovative
    1           IDc1E: Innovation and Design   1  innovation (no more than 5 pts)  opportunities                WSP
                                       Path 2: Exemplary Performance: no more than 3 pts
                                       At least one principal participant of the project team
    1           IDc2: LEED™ Accredited   1  is LEED Accredited Professional  (AP).  Built Ecology to document   WSP
                Professional ( C )

  WSP Built Ecology                                                                                              4 of 4
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80