Page 74 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
P. 74
14th @ IRVING
64 12 19 15 LEED CS 2009 Scorecard 6/8/2018 Project Manager: Keith Amann Built Ecology
Certified: 40-49 points; Silver: 50-59 points; Gold: 60-79 points; Platinum: 80 - 110 points email:
M&V plan that evaluates building/system
3 EAc5.1: Measurement & Verification 3 performance according to IPMVP Option D or B. M&V plan for base building would be required, WSP WSP
(C) - Base Building
to review with plans for building operation with RAL
Include central metering network to accommodate
3 EAc5.2: Measurement & Verification 3 future submetering; provide process for corrective Y Submetering planned WSP
(C) - Tenant Submetering
action if targets not met.
Two years of certified green power for 35% of
electricity use (not cost). Defined as electricity usage Assume will be pursued if needed. Quote based on
2 EAc6: Green Power ( C ) 2 of the C&S square footage, as defined by BOMA, but Y estimated electric consumption per SF=~$2,000. WSP
not less than 15% of building total gross sf.
4 1 2 6 Materials and Resources (MR)
Recycling collection and storage area(s) for
P MRp1: Storage & Collection of convenient occupant recycling of paper, cardboard, Confirm location for collection and storage of waste DBB
glass, plastics, and metals for entire building.
Recyclables (D)
Maintain 25% (1 pt), 33% (2 pts), 42% (3 pts), 50%
5 MRc1: Building Reuse - Maintain 5 (4 pts), 75% (5 pts) of existing building structure N/A
based on surface area (floor and roof decking),
Existing Walls, Floors & Roof (C)
envelope (skin and framing, excluding windows).
Excludes hazmats
Recycle/divert 50% (1 pt) or 75% (2 pts) of demo and
2 MRc2: Construction Waste 2 construction waste through on-site separation or co- Include in specifications. Best practice in NYC Suffolk
Management (C) mingling program
Use salvaged/reused materials for 5% of total
1 MRc3: Material Reuse (C) 1 materials cost, excluding MEP.
Use materials such that postconsumer recycled
content + 1/2 preconsumer recycled content = 10% Include in specifications. Target high cost materials DBB
1 1 MRc4: Recycled Content (C) 2 (1 pt) or 20% (2 pts) of total materials cost. Excludes including concrete, steel, curtainwall, gypsum, etc. Suffolk
Specify products extracted, harvested, recovered
1 1 MRc5: Regional Materials (C) 2 AND manufactured within 500 miles of the site for Include in specifications. Target high cost materials Suffolk
including concrete, steel, curtainwall, gypsum, etc.
10% (1 pt) or 20% (2 pts) of total materials cost.
Excludes MEP.
50% (cost-based) of all new wood based products
1 MRc6: Certified Wood (C) 1 (including framing, flooring, doors, etc.) to be FSC DBB
certified. Suffolk
8 0 4 0 Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
Meet ASHRAE 62.1-2007 through ventilation rate
P IEQp1: Minimum IAQ Performance procedure for ventilation systems. Y WSP
No smoking in building - Exterior smoking areas to
P IEQp2: Environmental Tobacco be min. 25 ft. away from entries, outdoor air intakes Y WSP
Smoke (ETS) Control (D)
and operable windows, with signage.
Install permanent monitoring system that signals
when airflow or CO2 vary by 10% or > from setpoint. Confirm design intent. This requirement is more
1 IEQc1: Outdoor Air Delivery 1 Monitor CO2 concentrations within all densely Y stringent than NYCECC. Must provide air stations on WSP
occupied spaces. For non-densely occupied spaces,
the OA units and a tenant lease requirement to
Monitoring (D)
provide direct outdoor airflow measurement device to install within their spaces.
measure the min. outdoor airflow rate.
Mechanically Vent. Spaces: Increase breathing zone
outdoor air ventilation rates by min 30% above
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 in all occupied spaces. Exploring options for improving air quality with
1 IEQc2: Increased Ventilation (D) 1 OR Y minimal energy penalty. WSP to provide calcs to WSP
Naturally Vent. Spaces: Prove effective natural
ventilation through CIBSE Applications Manual determine feasibility based on current design.
10:2005, OR macroscopic analysis required by
ASHRAE 62.1-2007.
IAQ management plan that meets SMACNA, protect
IEQc3: Construction IAQ absorptive construction materials and (if air handler
1 Management Plan: During 1 is used during construction) incorporate MERV 8 Y Include in specifications and Suffolk to provide draft Suffolk
Construction (C) filters during construction + prior to occupancy. Plan
1 IEQc4.1: Low-Emitting Materials - 1 All adhesives and sealants within weather barrier to Y Include in specifications, Suffolk to track during CA Suffolk
be low VOC
Adhesives & Sealants (C)
1 IEQc4.2: Low-Emitting Materials - 1 All paints and coatings within weather barrier to be Y Include in specifications, Suffolk to track during CA DBB
low VOC
Paints & Coatings (C) Suffolk
Carpet and cushion to be CRI certified, carpet
adhesives to meet IEQc4.1, hard flooring to meet
1 IEQc4.3: Low-Emitting Materials - 1 FloorScore standard, floor finishes (stain, sealant) Y Include in specifications, Suffolk to track during CA DBB
Flooring Systems (C) and tile setting (adhesives, grout) to meet South Suffolk
Coast Air Quality standard.
No added urea-formaldehyde in all composite wood
1 IEQc4.4: Low-Emitting Materials, 1 and agrifiber products (including plywood, Y Include in specifications, Suffolk to track during CA Suffolk
particleboard, MDF, etc.) and no added urea-
Composite Wood & Agrifiber (C)
formaldehyde laminating adhesives used onsite or
WSP Built Ecology 3 of 4