Page 53 - Strategic Planning for Law Firms
P. 53

            Strategic Planning for Law Firms
  Think Big Picture
Your strategic plan can’t tackle everything. If it tries, it will accomplish nothing. You’re thinking about a handful of big picture issues to identify, discuss, address and resolve. If you can develop a plan that tackles three to five major issues facing the firm, then you’ve satisfied and accomplished the purpose of effective strategic planning.
Think Meta Strategy
What’s your meta strategy? Think forest, not trees. Think 30,000 foot level analysis. Is your over arching strategy to transition from an insurance defense firm to a commercial litigation firm in five years? Is it to expand your firm from a local office of 10 lawyers to a statewide firm of 50 in ten years? What’s the overall meta goal which serves as a lodestar for everything the firm will do?
Don’t Bite Off Too Much
It takes time to prepare and execute a strategic plan. The bigger the plan, the more work, time, energy and cost to execute it. The attorneys at your firm will have plenty of ideas, plenty of big, powerful, transformative ideas. Understand you won’t be able to tackle all of them.
Choose wisely.
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