Page 5 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 5

Here are 5 top tips to create the best gateway to your life.

             1) Make sure the door is welcoming and               3) Make sure the hall space is organised
             well-maintained.                                     and clear of clutter.

             The last thing you want as you return home           That is not to say that you can’t hang
             is the reminder of things that need fixing!          your jacket or leave your shoes by the
             So, make sure the paint is clean and                 door (we don’t all have space for coat
             unchipped and that locks work properly.              cupboards), but if you do, make sure
                                                                  there is an allocated space/rack and that
             2) Make sure you can get in and out easily.          you don’t overfill it. (You only wear one
                                                                  coat a day, so put others in your
             Don’t have bags or boxes behind the door,            wardrobe).
             so that you can’t open it properly and are
             squeezing through a small gap.

             4) Give the space an identity.                       5) Value its purpose.

             Don’t see the hall as just a thoroughfare.           Physical organisation helps psychological
             Decorate it and add personal features, as            routine. This is a spot to pause and gather
             you would other rooms. For example, a                yourself for the day ahead. A mirror or
             selection of photographs or a favourite              motivational quote can give you the final
             painting lifts the heart as you arrive or            reassurance that you’re ‘good to go’. And
             depart.                                              when you return later, it welcomes you
                                                                  home and gives you the chance to leave
                                                                  the day at the door. 

                                        Sarah Swain of Cohesive Living is a certified life coach and interior
                                        designer. She believes that there is a fundamental interaction
                                        between a person’s emotional/mental well-being and the spaces
                                        in which they spend their time. She works with clients to get clarity
                                        in their homes and their lives.


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