Page 6 - MKP Brochure Template. mk1
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MKP consultants is a world class
engineering consultancy. We
provide comprehensive general and
specialist engineering services for
complete developments, buildings
and their infrastructure. MKP was
formed in 1999 by a team of senior
engineers have proven that their
collective experience could provide
a working, innovative, hands on and At MKP we strive towards accurate
100% reliable solution to most client’s design solutions that continually
needs, regardless of complexity or de-risk the project from the relatively
high levels at the preparation stages
The company has always been led to zero at completion. Our aim is to
reduce installation time and costs;
by engineers in order to retain focus maximising standards of excellence
on its primary task of providing in every aspect of our solutions.
quality consulting services to a wide ––
range of clients. The practice has
followed a path of organic growth;
this approach has preserved rather
than diluted the prevailing culture of
flexibility and attention to detail within
the company. This has allowed us to
develop a first class reputation and
demonstrable record of achievement.