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bUilding MKP have been utilizing 3d design End PrOdUcT
and drawings for over 10 years
inFOrMATiOn and as such we have an enviable ––
MOdElling reputation in being able to deliver MKP utilise biM in all projects, it
designs in biM. MKP originally
–– utilized the Autocad MEP software, benefits MKP and the client to
which has historically been a better visualise the end product and helps
draughting tool for MEP rather than the contractor with production
revit. it is only recently were Autocad of working drawings and on-site
stopped developing Autocad MEP co-ordination. by keeping all the
and have predominately promoted information in one model, the transfer
revit MEP as the draughting tool for of information between project
3d MEP cad, that we have moved partners becomes more efficient.
across to using revit. This enables the overall design and
–– construction process to be more
accurate and consistent, with the
aim of avoiding costly last-minute
changes on site. Overall, a biM
approach can save time and help
reduce waste and on-site work
and assist the other members of
the team to visualize the proposals
by use of rendering and animation.
From experience using the 3d
model made problems obvious and
often presented clear options for
resolutions. sharing responsibility for
these problems meant that the team
could decide upon the best solution
in each case and assign an action