Page 6 - PHA2019ConferenceBrochure
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                             GENERAL                                QAPI in the Age of the Millennial
                                                                              HOME HEALTH

              Staying Connected: Strategies for Leading a
     WEDNESDAY, MAY 1  10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  Today we are more connected than ever, yet at work, many of us   focused quality, the agency will have to learn to think, track
                                                                    (1.25 Nursing CEs) | In the new world of data driven and outcome
              Remote Workforce
                                                                    and react differently. As the millennial workforce grows it will
              feel more isolated and disconnected from the organization then
                                                                    be key for the agency to learn to define duties, assess skill sets
              in any time in history. As technology continues to allow team
                                                                    and identify leaders. As these two forces merge, the agency can
              members to work remotely and spend less time in face-to-face
                                                                    learn to embrace quality differently. The future of agencies will
              interactions, organizations find themselves with the challenge of
                                                                    be strengthened when they are able to recognize these are not
              staying connected to employees while managing the ever pressing
                                                                    diverse goals.
              need to make each minute count. This environment can lead to
                                                                    Donna Floyd, RN, BSN, Principal Consultant, The Crag Business Group, Inc
              disconnect between the employee and the organizational culture,
                                                                    Robert Floyd, COO, The Crag Business Group, Inc.
              values, and mission.
              Dr. Tonya Miller, DPT, Principal/Owner, TYM Coaching, LLC
              Amy Lafko, MSPT, MBA, Principal/Owner, Cairn Consulting Solutions
              Impact of Medical Marijuana on Home-                  New Focus on Complaints
                                                                    (1.25 Nursing CEs, 1.25 PT CEs (pending), 1.25 OT CEs
     WEDNESDAY, MAY 1   3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.  so what impact will this have on your agency? Learn more about   frequently result in deficiencies. Find out how using a positive
              Based Care: Legal & Clinical Perspectives
                                                                    (pending)) | Shift your agency’s focus on complaints to use them
              (.75 Nursing CEs) | Medical marijuana is now legal in Pennsylvania,
                                                                    to empower change. Complaints often result in surveys, which
              the impact from both a legal perspective, as an employer, and a
                                                                    growth perspective when attending to complaints can assist the
              clinical perspective, as a provider.
                                                                    agency in delivering stellar customer service, as well as limiting the
              Tom Collins, Esq., Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney
                                                                    agency’s exposure to deficiencies and overall risk.
                                                                    Donna Floyd, RN, BSN, Principal Consultant, The Crag Business Group, Inc
                                                                    Robert Floyd, COO, The Crag Business Group, Inc.
                                                PRIVATE DUTY
              A Handbook for Humanity: Taking Care of               For Better or For Worse: Job Satisfaction of
                                                                    Home Health Nurses
              the Caregiver
     THURSDAY, MAY 2  10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  in our charge. Our patients’ mental, physical, and emotional well-being   the number of home health nurses needed will increase by 61% by
              (1.25 Nursing CEs) | As caregivers, we give so much attention to those
                                                                    (1.25 Nursing CEs) | The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that
              is often forefront in our hearts and professional efforts. Unfortunately,
                                                                    2024. Yet, the turnover rate is more than 19%. This presentation will
              the delivery of that care is often at great personal expense.
                                                                    outline a plan to improve job satisfaction of home health nurses.
                                                                    Prior literature related to job satisfaction, including a standardized
              We frequently prioritize our patients’ health over our own. This
              presentation offers a variety of evidence based, simple-to-apply, “ninja
                                                                    instrument to measure satisfaction, the results, recommendations
              skills” that help the caregiver cope. This presentation is appropriate for
                                                                    and implications of the project will be discussed.
              anyone who touches a patient in any healthcare discipline.
                                                                    Delores “Dede” McCreary, MS, RN, CNE, Assistant Teaching Professor &
              Timothy M. Campbell, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Gallagher Home Health
                                                                    Home Health Nurse, Penn State University & Home Nursing Agency
              Services and Hospice
                                                                    Janie Christner Vice President Home Health Clinical Operations, Home
                                                                    Everything You Need to Know about PDGM
              Suicide & Depression in Older Adults                  Nursing Agency
                                                                    (1.25 Nursing CEs, 1.25 PT CEs (pending), 1.25 OT CEs
              (1.25 Nursing CEs) | Suicide in older adults remains high. In 2014
    THURSDAY, MAY 2   2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.  was the first state to develop an “Older Adult Suicide Prevention   understanding of the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM),
              the suicide rate for older adults was 16.6 deaths per 100,000; for
                                                                    (pending)) | Two teams of experts combine their knowledge
              those over the age of 84 the rate was 49.9 per 100,000. Pennsylvania
                                                                    for this comprehensive presentation designed to provide a full
              Plan,” which presented a comprehensive approach to developing
                                                                    its impact on home health best practices, and how your agency
              protocols, outreaching, and educating regarding the issues of
                                                                    should be preparing for change. This workshop will address both
              suicide for older adults.  This presentation will discuss suicide in
                                                                    clinical and financial impacts of the new payment model.
              older adults, incidence as well as the common characteristics of
                                                                    Nick Seabrook, BlackTree Healthcare Consulting
              depression and suicide specific to late life. An overview of barriers to
                                                                    Speaker TBA, Quality in Real Time
              service provision for older adults will be examined. The emphasis will
              Linda Shumaker, Executive Director, Prevent Suicide PA
      6       be ongoing prevention and education.
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