Page 7 - PHA2019ConferenceBrochure
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                             HOSPICE                               PRIVATE DUTY HOMECARE

              Utilizing an Interdisciplinary Approach to
                                                                    Putting Quality Data to Work
    WEDNESDAY, MAY 1  10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  (1.25 Nursing CEs) | All members of the hospice interdisciplinary   opportunity for the homecare industry to move to the next level.
                                                                    The collection of quality data represents an unprecedented
              Avoid Common Deficiencies
                                                                    There is much discussion about using data to identify patterns
              team (IDT) are responsible for care of the hospice patient and
                                                                    that could help prevent or reduce the seriousness of diseases,
              family, and their documentation should support the patient’s
                                                                    collect patient data to provide accurate, regular and tailored
              eligibility and compliance with the plan of care. But often this task
                                                                    services, and even prevent diseases. But what do you do with all
              is left to the RN on the IDT. This presentation will discuss how all
                                                                    of the data you are being asked to collect? How can you make it
              members of the IDT should document to support eligibility and
                                                                    work for your agency?
              compliance with the Medicare Conditions of Participation in order
                                                                    Speaker TBA
              to avoid the most commonly cited deficiencies.
              Lisa Meadows, MSW, Clinical Compliance Educator, Accreditation
              Commission for Health Care
              AND: The Conversation Formerly Known                  Impact of Medical Marijuana on Home-
    WEDNESDAY, MAY 1   3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.  and only 25% were at home, despite 80% of patients preferring to   so what impact will this have on your agency? Learn more about
              as DNR
                                                                    Based Care: Legal & Clinical Perspectives
                                                                    (.75 Nursing CEs) | Medical marijuana is now legal in Pennsylvania,
              (1.25 Nursing CEs) | In 2016 there were 2.5 million deaths in the U.S.
              die at home. The goal of this program is to enable providers to have
                                                                    the impact from both a legal perspective, as an employer, and a
                                                                    clinical perspective, as a provider.
              effective conversations about advanced directives with patients
                                                                    Tom Collins, Esq., Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney
              so they can make fully informed decisions. Allow for a Natural
              Death (AND) is a simple change in terminology that takes away the
              harshness of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR). Advanced directives provide
              the basis that frames the dying experience for the patient and their
              family. Our role, as the hospice team, is to educate, understand and
              support their decision.
              Heather Hollenbeck, RN, BSN, Senior Mentor/Preceptor, Residential
              Hospice and Home Health                                                                  GENERAL
              Improving Hospice Care in Facilities                  Community HealthChoices Lessons Learned
              (1.25 Nursing CEs) | After receiving feedback from their facility
                                                                    & Looking Ahead
    THURSDAY, MAY 2  10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  practices and program changes the team made, resulting in an   Pennsylvania with Community HealthChoices is changing how
              partners through a voluntary survey, St Luke’s Hospice realized
                                                                    Two down, one to go! The shift to Medicaid managed care in
              it needed to make some changes. Hear first-hand about the best
                                                                    agencies operate. This presentation will focus on lessons learned
              improvement in positive survey responses from facility partners by
                                                                    from the transition in the Southwest and Southeast, and what is
              more than 26% in two years.
                                                                    in store for the rest of the state in 2020. From billing to scheduling
              Michelle Udicious, RN, BSN, Director of Outreach, St. Luke’s Home Health
                                                                    to quality metrics, this presentation will provide tips and best
              & Hospice
                                                                    practices for agencies.
              Sandy Rhine RN, BSN: Community Liaison – St. Luke’s Home Health &
                                                                    Community HealthChoices MCOs
              Award-Winning Innovations in Palliative               EVV Implications in a Multi-Payer
              and End of Life Care
    THURSDAY, MAY 2   2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.  Penn Wissahickon Hospice Caring Way program, which utilizes   verification (EVV) mandate in Medicaid-reimbursed personal
                                                                    Despite the passage of legislation to delay the electronic visit
              (1.25 Nursing CEs) | Learn about the national-award winning
                                                                    care services to January 1, 2020 on the national level, states like
              the resources of a comprehensive academic medical center to
                                                                    Pennsylvania continue to prepare and finalize their individual plans
              build a meaningful continuum of care for seriously ill patients. The
              program has taken on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart
                                                                    for EVV compliance with the requirements of the 21  Century Cures
              failure, and homecare for frail elderly – with innovative technology,
                                                                    Act. Hear from one of the leaders in national EVV implementation
              precise use of data, and the ability to secure a place for hospice and
                                                                    about challenges and best practices for compliance.
              palliative care in the overall continuum.
                                                                    Tom Underwood, CEO, Sandata Technologies
              Penn Wissahickon Hospice
                                                                    Steve Pellito, SVP of Sales & Marketing, Sandata Technologies
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