Page 5 - GLFEB2023
P. 5
Feburary 2023
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ing forward to having a tradi- tional winter carnival, stressing they love that all of the events are in person. For the student body, they believe that “win- ter carnival means a chance to have fun events leading up to a dance.” They are looking for- ward to participating in each event with their peers. When thinking about the winter car- nival, Evan Hardy said, “It is a great chance to increase pride
and competition.”
Just like the rest of the stu-
dent body, the student council is just as excited about everything coming up. “They all agreed that they are looking forward to the dress-up days, snow sculptures, and active competitions. One student, Lillian Corrow, men- tioned that she is “looking for- ward to enjoying student-created assemblies.”
A lot of effort went into or- ganizing the winter carnival. “They agreed that sometimes
others do not realize how much work and effort goes into each step of planning the winter car- nival. Throughout each step, they “learned how to network with community members, ad- ministration, and peers.” They used their communication skills, data analysis, and digital writing skills to gather input by creating feedback surveys, inviting other student groups to share their ideas, and designing Canva post- ers to advertise events.
Lily Johnson noted that she
“learned how important it is to appropriately remind and follow up with others about events.” Leah Cote said the process stressed how it is vital to “ac- commodate for diverse student and staff requests to show that the student council truly cares about all voices.” One group understanding they gained is that “planning and fundraising take time.” They learned how to budget their time during meet- ings to achieve their goals and account for other school meeting
demands. They utilized proper meeting protocol at each meet- ing to vote on each step, support- ing documents, and rules.
When asked for more input on getting this fantastic event up and running, the student coun- cil agreed. “The most important thing for other schools to con- sider when setting up an event like this is to start planning and gather input early. They stressed once again that they cannot wait to enjoy each traditional and new winter carnival event!”