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May 2023 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 11 Community
The Janice Beetle Books 2023 Challenge Team Seeks Children’s
Stories and Artwork for a Published Collection of Work
Sponsors also sought for fundraiser that benefits the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction
  LACONIA—For the second year, the Janice Beetle Books Challenge Team is inviting chil- dren in the Lakes Region to submit stories or artwork to be published in an anthology that will be sold to raise money for the Greater Lakes Region Chil- dren’s Auction.
Children from preschool through grade 12 can take part by sending a typed, short story or poem and/or a drawing, illus- tration or sketch to Janice Beetle at
Pieces of writing should be sent as a Word document, and artwork as high-resolution PNG or JPG files.
A $5 donation per submission is suggested but not required; these funds benefit the auction and can be paid at https://www. tle-books-40fa0d9b-3c75-466c- a3f9-102077c4d7d7.
All stories and artwork must be submitted by June 30. Mate- rial will be compiled in an an- thology that will be available for sale by late fall. For a free copy of last year’s book, or for more information, email janice@bee-
Because many of the children who contribute do not have the means to buy a book, the fund- raising team wants to help en- sure that all young writers and artists can own the publication their work appears in, so we are also seeking sponsors. Each sponsorship ensures that a child, or children, will receive books, and also ensures a donation to the Auction.
Here are sponsorship levels: • Haiku: $25, gives one book to a child and $20 to the Auction • Poem: $50, gives two books to
children and $40 to the Auc-
• Short story: $100, gives five
children a book and $75 to the Auction
• Novel: $250, gives 20 children a book and $150 to the Auction •Trilogy:$500,gives40children
a book and $300 to the Auction Make a donation: https://www. tle-books-40fa0d9b-3c75-466c- a3f9-102077c4d7d7 Donors who leave their names will be listed in the 2023 It’s By the Kids book.
  Order now for June Delivery 603-417-0229

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