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for her to be called away from her duties so they could make their special presentation.
“I’m just shocked,” Worrall said as she held the engraved plaque. “I really appreciate it, but I love food and just do what I do because I love it!”
What she does, and has done for 23 years, is to prepare luncheons at the center and help package take-out meals for seniors throughout Grafton County. That is really just the tip of the iceberg, though.
Worrall holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Douglas College/Rutgers University, then went on to earn a Master of Sci- ence degree in mathematics from Cornell University. After her re- tirement from her career as an en- gineer and district manager at Bell Telephone Laboratories, she and her husband David moved from Middleton, N.J. to New Hamp- ton, N.H., where her life as an ac- tive community volunteer began.
Her love for cooking has found her assisting in the sum- mer “Got Lunch!” program in
September 2023
  Ashland, providing meals for children with nutritional needs. Prior to its discontinuation, she took part in preparing the “Food for All” dinners in Ashland as well.
Worrall also takes her love for the culinary arts on the road twice a year with her sister when the two travel to Philadelphia. There they spend four days at St. Francis Inn, a Franciscan-run shelter for the poor and home- less. Over the course of their stay, the sisters prepare meals for the inn’s staff members, who in turn serve the shelter’s clients. It all came through it being a “small world” since their affiliation with the program came through the Inn’s manager, Father Michael Duffy, originally from Ashland.
It isn’t always about food for this busy lady, however. Worrall has also volunteered as a tutor for math and other academic subjects through the local GED program. When people needed clothing for special occasions, such as a high school prom, but could not afford to buy the ap- propriate attire, she pulled out her sewing machine and made the items for them.
In addition to all of that, Wor- rall is on the board of Haven Pregnancy Services in Plymouth and, over the past several years, has been the chair for the Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council. She and her husband were also among the original members of the Newfound Area’s first CERT team, trained to assist first re- sponders and the public in the event of a natural disaster or public health emergency.
When Plymouth Rotary first announced Worrall as their Cit- izen of the Year on June 21, it was said, “Because of her desire to do good through her volun- teer work, her compassion and concern for the welfare of other people, and her willingness to assist [folks in need], our Citizen of the Year indeed represents the qualities and values held dear by Rotary International and Rotar- ians throughout the world.”
As they later handed her their official plaque at the Senior Center, Carrier echoed those sentiments by adding, “It’s often people like Elena who quietly serve and display the values of Rotary. You’re part of us now.”
4th Annual Hebron Yard Sale Day
Saturday, Sept. 2 · 9-3
 HEBRON – You won’t want to miss the 4th Annual Hebron Yard Sale Day on Saturday, Sept. 2from9to3.StopbytheHe- bron Common outside the He- bron Church at 16 Church Lane for great bargains on used fur- niture, household items, books, games, puzzles, toys, sporting goods, equipment, tools, acces- sories, antiques, and much more. Since this year’s fair did not in- clude the white elephant and auction, many of the items that would have been sold at those tents will be available at the yard
sale. The church will also again be featuring the popular $5-a- bag tent. As an additional bene- fit, there will be other yard sales at various locations throughout town that day.
For more info, please visit A list of the locations will be posted on the website the week before the event and will also be available at the church on the day of the yard sale. The event is sponsored by the Union Congregational Church of Hebron.

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