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                                                                                 Page 16 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM August 2022
John Seller Announces Candidacy for
State Representative, Grafton County Distrist 18
  It’s with great pleasure that I am announcing my candidacy as a State Representative for Grafton County District 18. District 18 includes the towns of Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Canaan, Dorchester, Enfield, Grafton, Groton, Hebron, and Orange.
A bit about me. I view God as our creator and His son Jesus as our savior. I lived in Bristol for 12 years with my wife Donna and have raised nine children and ten grandchildren. I served on the Bristol Budget Committee and currently on the Newfound Area School District Budget Commit- tee. I am a USAF veteran. For many years I ran my own busi- ness, was a business analyst for over 20 years and now retired.
In the Declaration of Inde- pendence, it says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Our leaders have lost sight of these words. This is where I will work for you, to keep alive the hope of Life, Liberty, pursuit of Happi- ness and I will speak up for you and make sure government will be there to protect these truths and rights. The young genera- tion need to have HOPE for the future, the older generation need to know what they pass down will not be a mess and a pile of bills, and the generation in the middle
need to be assured they will have a good paying job and retirement savings/plan they can count on.
We the people of New Hamp- shire are very unique among our neighbors in the other New En- gland states. We are intelligent, strong, proud, and a courageous people who live by our state motto LIVE FREE OF DIE. We don’t need government to care for us from cradle to grave. We don’t need more of our freedoms and liberties taken from us and we don’t need more inflation. A smaller government means less intrusions, restrictions, and taxes.
I believe inflation is our num- ber one problem we need to deal with, but I would like to hear what you think. Besides inflation
we have other issues facing us today; rising property taxes, over reaching government/non-gov- ernment organizations (NGO), public school systems, school choice allowances, abortion, gun rights, globalism vs nationalism, parental rights, election integrity, cost of living, hyper increase of oil, fuel, electricity, gas/propane, food, clothing, and slew of other things. Climate change, we do need to look into and start using
other means of energy without being forced or breaking the bank and the entire world needs to be on the same page, not just the USA and a couple other countries doing it all.
I’m willing to do what I can to represent you but without your vote that will never happen, so first, you got to vote, second, I need that vote, third, we need many other like-minded con- servative caring people to get elected, so spread the word. Vote for John Sellers in the primary on September 13th, and again on November 8th.
Email me at john@johnseller- or visit my website for more in- formation and how you can help support my run for State Repre- sentative. Many hands make light work, please help where and if you can.
Letter To The Editor
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