Page 17 - AUG2022
P. 17

August 2022
 By Brittany amalfi
A young girl who inherits ev- erything she could have wanted might just lose the one thing she needs the most: her life.
The Inheritance Games gives us a fast-paced story full of dark secrets, crazy twists, and a little heat.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes is at it again with this intense thriller about Avery Grambs, and how her bleak life changes in the blink of an eye. All Avery wants to do is get through high school, use her wits to earn a scholar- ship, and get the heck out of her little town. But unfortunately, her life went downhill after her mother’s death, and she relied on no one but herself. But when Tobias Hawthorne, a man she’s seemingly never met before and
a multi-billionaire, leaves Avery his entire fortune, Avery is skep- tical about stepping into her new life. But those billions are looking pretty tempting.
Avery isn’t the only one skep- tical about a complete stranger giving her his billions. Tobias Hawthorne left behind a fam- ily, and they’re not happy. The four Hawthorne grandsons lived their life thinking they would in- herit Tobias’ billions. Still, things take an exciting turn when Avery crashes into their lives. One is convinced Avery’s a con woman, and one thinks she’s a puzzle to be solved. Either way, the secrets of Tobias Hawthorne are affect- ing everyone living in the Haw- thorne house, and Avery won’t rest until she solves the last piece of the puzzle. But the deeper
Avery gets into the Hawthorne secrets, the more danger she re- alizes she’s in.
This is nothing short of an ex- hilarating thriller that leaves you on your toes as you dive deeper into the Hawthorne legacy.
Barns absolutely delivers with this fast-paced story that will have you rooting for Avery at every turn. Avery’s quick wits and fierce independence helps her keep charge as she deals with the infamous Hawthorne family. Grayson Hawthorne, heir ap- parent, will stop at nothing to unveil Avery’s supposed schemes, even their undeniable chemistry. And Jameson Hawthorne’s per- sistent games and riddles make Avery’s brain chaotic. Learn- ing about each and every one of these characters that Avery
interacts with keeps the story interesting because it seems like everyone has something to hide. And who wouldn’t be in an ex- citing thriller? Each character is fleshed-out and contributes im- mensely to the mystery at hand.
And once there is an attack on Avery, everyone’s a suspect.
The stakes in The Inheritance Games continue to rise as each se- cret is revealed and Avery comes closer to the truth. I was able to finish this book in less than a day because I needed to know the mystery behind the deceased To- bias Hawthorne and why he left everything to Avery. There was nothing predictable about this mystery, and even though this is the first book in a trilogy, the ending will leave anyone satisfied. For fans of Pretty Little Liars or Knives Out, The Inheritance Games will be your next favorite to add to your thriller library. Between the fast-paced plot and thrilling scenes, readers will be on the edge of their seats with every page they turn.
Book of the Month: The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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