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SI NGL E BA RRE L P O L I C Y H A ND BO O K P a ge | 12
In the event of a life-or-limb threatening emergency, the insured employee will be sent to the nearest
emergency medical facility. The medical provider designated below must provide follow-up care.
In the event of a non-emergency, after-hours injury, the provider should be called at 303-831-9393 for access
information and treatment instructions.
The manager on duty must be notified and a first report of injury must be turned into the payroll office within
24 hours of injury. Contact Michele Poague at 303-388-9601 for questions.
The first Report of Injury is to be faxed to: 303-361-5400 If an unauthorized medical provider treats an
employee, the employee will be responsible for the payment of said treatment.
Single Barrel Consulting, LLC also participates in the Colorado unemployment program.
Single Barrel Consulting, LLC reserves the right to modify or terminate any employee benefits, at any time.
Full‐Time Employees are eligible for 2 of 8 unpaid holidays per year as follows:
New Year’s Eve Employee’s Birthday Memorial Day
Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Employees wishing to take religious holidays may substitute a religious holiday for one of those listed above,
with advance approval from their supervisor or the Executive Director. Temporary and Part-time employees
are ineligible for holiday leave benefits.
All employees are eligible to take 2 weeks of unpaid vacation after one year of employment. Use of Vacation
is subject to approval by the supervisor or Executive Director. Employees are granted three weeks unpaid
vacation after 5 years of uninterrupted employment.
No vacation benefits are paid upon separation from employment with Single Barrel Consulting, LLC for any
Use of unpaid sick leave is subject to approval by the supervisor or the Executive Director and must be
requested in daily increments. If an employee’s illness or injury requires a consecutive absence of five (5)
days or more, physician documentation will be required. Single Barrel Consulting, LLC also may
recommend that the employee apply for state disability insurance (SDI).
No leave benefits are paid upon separation from employment with Single Barrel Consulting, LLC for any
Employees who are inducted into or enlist in the Armed Forces of the United States or are called to duty as a
member of a reserve unit may take an unpaid leave in accordance with applicable law. The employee must
provide notice of his or her need for a military leave and Single Barrel Consulting, LLC will request a copy
of the employee’s orders, which will be kept on record by Single Barrel Consulting, LLC.
The time an employee spends on military leave will be counted as continuous service for the purpose of
determining eligibility and accrual for various benefit plans and policies.