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SI NGL E  BA RRE L  P O L I C Y  H A ND BO O K                       P a ge  | 8


              A. HOURS OF WORK
              Single Barrel Consulting, LLC may be open to the public at any time from 11 am until 6 am, 365 days each
              year. Employees may request the opportunity to vary their work schedules (within employer‐defined limits)
              to better accommodate personal responsibilities. Subject to Single Barrel Consulting, LLC work assignments
              management’s approval, the employee’s supervisor shall determine the hours of employment that best suits
              the needs of the work to be done by the individual employee.

               Attendance is a key factor in your job performance. Punctuality and regular attendance are expected of all
              employees. Excessive absences (whether excused or unexcused), tardiness or leaving early is unacceptable.
              If you are absent for any reason or plan to arrive late or leave early, you must notify your supervisor and the
              office manager as far in advance as possible and no later than one hour before the start of your scheduled
              work day. In the event of an emergency, you must notify your supervisor as soon as possible.

              For all absences extending longer than one day, you must telephone your immediate supervisor prior to the
              start of each scheduled workday. When reporting an absence, you should indicate the nature of the problem
              causing your absence and your expected return‐to‐work date. A physician’s statement may be required as
              proof of the need for any illness‐related absence regardless of the length of the absence.
              Except as provided in other policies, an employee who is absent from work for three consecutive days
              without notification to his or her supervisor or the Executive Director will be considered to have voluntarily
              terminated his or her employment. The employee’s final paycheck will be mailed to the last mailing address
              on file with Single Barrel Consulting, LLC.

              Excessive absences, tardiness or leaving early will be grounds for discipline up to and including termination.
              Depending on the circumstances, including the employee’s length of employment, Single Barrel Consulting,
              LLC may counsel employees prior to termination for excessive absences, tardiness or leaving early.

              C. OVERTIME
              Overtime pay, which is applicable only to Non‐Exempt Employees, is for any time worked in excess of 40
              hours in a workweek or 12 hours in one day. Only the Executive Director or his or her designee, upon the
              request of an employee’s supervisor, may authorize overtime. Overtime rate is one and one‐half time (11⁄2)
              the employee’s straight time rate. Payment of overtime will be provided in the pay period following the
              period in which it is earned.

              All employees (exempt and nonexempt) are required to use the time clock system to record his/her hours
              worked. Bartenders, Waitresses, Cashiers, Bar Backs, and Door Hosts are required to clock in and out on the
              Aloha System for payroll and attendance purposes. The time clock records will be used to track attendance
              for exempt employees.

              Opening or relieving employees are to clock in no more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled shift to
              receive banks, instructions, transfer tabs, and set up work area.

              Last call times may vary. The manager will record the time last call is given. The doors are to be closed 30
              minutes after last call is given. Door host should clock out once the doors are closed. Waitresses and
              Bartenders must clock out within 30 minutes of door closure. Bar Backs and Cashiers must clock out within
              60 minutes of door closure.
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