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SI NGL E  BA RRE L  P O L I C Y  H A ND BO O K                       P a ge  | 1

              Single Barrel Consulting, LLC was established in 2017. The founding members are Deborah Matthews and
              Michele Poague; owner and 35 year plus manager of Shotgun Willies, known internationally as one of the
              country’s leading entertainment establishments.


              It is our goal to create the greatest experience anywhere on the planet. By treating every person who comes
              through our doors, calls on our phone, or works with us as a special individual, we recognize the “spark” of
              individuality in ourselves as well as in others. We strive to communicate this in an honest and sincere by
              offering the finest adult products and entertainment available.

              FIVE STAR SERVICE
              We strive for professionalism and teamwork. To reach our goal we follow these guidelines. Keep in mind
              that not any one point is more important than another; it is the combination that produces Five Star Service.

              ATTITUDE AND APPEARANCE - Attitude and appearance go hand-in-hand. If you look good, you feel
              good and if you feel good, you look good. If you act like you’re having fun, those around you will have fun.
              There is no room on the set for personal problems. Not only does it affect your performance, it affects those
              around you. Our guests notice small things like hair and fingernails. We understand that it is difficult to be
              “perfect” every day, but we expect you to do the very best you can.

              KNOWLEDGE - Know your duties and responsibilities thoroughly. Know procedures and promotions. If
              there is something you don’t know or understand, ASK. The worst thing you can say to a guest is, “I don’t
              know”.  Saying I don’t know suggests you don’t care, it is far better to say, “I’ll find out,” or “I’ll check on
              that for you.”

              SERVICE - We cannot stress the “importance of smiling” enough. One smile will do what a thousand words
              cannot. We cater to our guests. We do the extra little things to make them feel special. “Every Guest is
              Entitled to the Same Service.”

              BUILD A CLIENTELE - A regular clientele will increase your tips. Learn the art of small talk. Learn to be
              witty without being catty.  Make sure every guest feels welcome and special. We refer to our audience as our
              “guest” rather than “customer” – we expect them to be treated as such.  Learn the names of the guests and
              make sure they know yours. They will ask for you the next time they come in.

              APPRECIATION - It is because of our audience that we have a business. This includes the guest who
              cannot afford a large tip as well as the guest who can. Always thank a guest for a tip no matter what the
              amount. Let them know you are glad they are here. When they leave, thank them for coming and invite them
              back. A dollar one day is worth less than a quarter five days a week.
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