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July 03 to July 09 2017 : Weekly News Magazine
          messenger         TRAVEL & TOURISIM                                                       13

           Environment  protection  is  the
           greatest challenge of existing human
           race but unfortunately every body of
           us has been adverse to it directly or
           indirectly. From a person who lives in
           a  forest  and  burns  wood  and  the
           person  who  lives  in  an  air-
           conditioned room, travels in an air-
           conditioned car or a person who flies
           in air, everyone is responsible for its
           destruction.  However  maximum
           eyes  fall  on  industry.  When  the
           industrial  growth  was  promoted  in
           the west the environment protection
           was  least  considered  and  the
           developed  countries  had  already
           caused irreparable damages to the
           global  environment  before  we
           started  developing.  As  a  result  of
           their  deeds  we  have  reached  to  a
           stage  where  everybody  talks  of
           environment only and nobody about
           Industry. The fact of the day is that
           both Industry and the environmental
           protection are important and we can
           not  promote  one  at  the  cost  of  the
           While as we appreciate the concern
           of  environmentalists  and  the
           regulators of pollution control norms
           for checking the pollution created by   Industry with compassion
           the industry but there is a feeling that
           rhetoric  is  being  created  by  both
           these  stake  holders  and  it  has
           become a game of win and loose for   the ever changing pollution control   polluting industry without closing it   the said consent letter to the pollution
           them. There is a need to change the   norms  due  to  lack  of  adequate  down.  control  board.  Similarly  there  are
           mindset  from  the  feeling  and   technology  and  capital  required  for   I would take this opportunity to draw  many  units  who  need  pollution
           approach of winning a battle to the   technology up gradation. In contrast   the  attention  of  the  S tate  control clearance only for running
                                    required  capital  becomes  easily   Government  and  J&K  pollution  generator  sets  of  small  capacities
           approach of solving a problem. The
           development  of  industry  in  every   available  to  the  large  industry.  control  towards  few  points  of  our  this  c an  a lso  v ery  e asily  b e
           economy is paramount for its growth   I n  o u r  s t a t e  a  s e c t i o n  o f   c o n c e r n .  monitored  by  the  district  industries
           which in turn improves the economic   environmentalists seem to be averse   In the valley of Kashmir majority of  centers.
                                                              the  unit s  fall  in  the  “Green
           condition  of  its  population.  It  has   to  large  factories  and  advocate  for   In  other  categories  like  orange  and
                                                              classification” of the pollution control  red  the  consent  letters  and  the
           been established beyond doubt that   only  small  and  comparatively  green
                                    industries   like  agriculture   and   Board  norms.  There  are  very  few  renewal letters need to be given in a
           the  successes  of  majors  of   tourism;  h owever  w e  h ave   units  which  fall  under  “Red”  or  time  bound  period  and  every
           environmental  protection  have  a
           direct co-relation with the economic   experienced  that  these  sectors  too   “Orange”  categories.  However  the  application  should  be  disposed  of
           condition of the common masses of a   have  their  inherent  limitations  to   procedure adopted by the board for  within  a  period  not  exceeding  one
           p a r t i c u l a r  c o u n t r y .  T h e   sustain an economy on a long term   issuing consents to operate is same  month so that the unit holder is not
           environmentalists  have  not  been   basis.  The  collapse  of  tourism   for all the categories. While we want  forced to visit the offices of pollution
           able  to  achieve  desired  success  in   industry in J&K in early nineties due   the pollution control board to be very  control board.
                                    to disturbances is an example. In our   vigilant and tough in the red category Another issue which we would like to
           the countries which are economically   opinion we need to make our state   industries  like  cement  and  Mining  mention  is  the  renewal  consent
           backward, as such the environment                  areas the green category units need  letters issued to stone crushing units.
           and the industry have to co- exist and   self  reliant  in  as  many  fields  as   to be released from the cumbersome The consent letters issued are made
           environmentalists  and  the  industry   possible to sustain our economy on a   paperwork  and  follow-up.  At  present subject  to  the  objections  of  the
           have to work in close co-ordination to   long term basis for which we have to
           save the environment.    set up industrial units both large and   the applications of all categories are  people from the vicinity although the
           The state of Jammu & Kashmir is at   small  of  various  categories  so  that   being disposed off either at Regional  board is satisfied with the pollution
           present  facing  worst  kind  of   we  reduce  our  dependence  on   office  or  at  central  office  levels. As  control devices installed by the unit
           unemployment  problems  and  the   imports.  Our  state  at  present  has   these  green  units  are  small  and   holders.  In  most  of  the  cases  the
           youth feel frustrated due to lack of job   become a consuming state and we   micro level these are mostly run and  population in the vicinity of a stone
                                    have  to  depend  on  imports  from   managed by the individual owners   crushing unit comes much after the
           opportunities.  The  development  of               themselves and can hardly afford to   day the unit gets established. We feel
           industry is the only way we can tackle   other states in every item or article
           this  problem,  as  such  everybody   we need. While advocating for mass   have additional staff to pursue their  that  once  the  regulator  issues
           needs to encourage industry and at   industrialization  we  do  not  disown   cases in various offices. The industry  consent to operate and is satisfied at
           the same time ensure that it is not   our  responsibility  towards  our   feels  that  the  Green  category  unit  the  time  of  renewal  that  adequate
           done  at  the  cost  of  environment.   environment.  We  as  industry   holder’s pollution clearance should   pollution control devises have been
                                    welcome  all  the  policies  and   be  a ccorded  b y  the  G eneral   installed  the  consent  letters  should
           However  the  industrialists  while                Manager  District  Industries  centre.  not  be  made  conditional.
           striving  for  more  and  more   regulations framed by the regulators       The  Industry  also  feels  that  the
           production have to ensure that it is   in order to protect our environment.   The procedure is already in vogue in   amount  of  consent  fee  charged  by
           clean production.        However  I  would  request  the   some  other  states  of  the  country   the  board  is  on  higher  side
           In the state of Jammu and Kashmir   environmentalists  as  well  as   (example Punjab) where the Powers
           there are no large industries, almost   regulators  not  be  happy  in  closing   of  granting  consent  to  operate  in   particularly  for  a  new  entrepreneur
           all  the  units  are  in  small  &  micro   down  an  industry.  As  the  modem   case  of  a  green  category  unit  lies   which  may  be  re  examined  and
           sector.  The  SME  sector  globally  is   technologies  have  been  developed   with  industries  department  and  the   reduced  so  that  it  becomes
           facing severe hardships in meeting   we can surely solve the problem of a   department in turn sends a copy of   affordable for a new entrepreneur.
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