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10          TERROR                                                                   messenger
                     July 03 to July 09 2017 : Weekly News Magazine

                                                            on  Facebook,   “Even   after   to counter the truth and obfuscate
                                                            shouldering the coffin of his son   facts. Truth is Khalid was under
                                                            Muzaffar sahib looked determined  surveillance and being monitored
                                                            saying, ‘Sacrifices  are  part  of   like all Kashmiris are. According to
                                                            resistance’.... he also went on to   locals   his  younger   brother
                                                            say, ‘Khalid was killed by Army to   Burhan— a pro-armed resistance
                                                            break the resolve of Burhan but   fighter— had beheaded 4 troopers
                                                            they are living in fools paradise.”  in the same forest. According to
                                                                                      locals, Burhan had come to know
                                                            On the same day when Khalid was  that troopers had involved some
                                                            murdered CNS stated that he had  women in their love affair. These
                                                            taken biryani along with him for his  love struck ladies are then turned to
                                                            brother. Quoting one of his friends,  spy  on  militants   and  local
                                                            detained by police, CNS said, “We  populace.  On  May  24,  2013,
                                                                                      Burhan along with four other pro-
                                                                                      armed resistance fighters slayed
                                                                                      troopers in Kamala forest when
                                                                                      they were chatting with love struck
                                                                                      girls of the area.
          On April 14, Indian troops claimed According to some locals of the   talked to them for some time and   According to  the daily Excelsior
          to have killed a ‘militant’ in the   area, Khalid received a phone call  they enjoyed the   biryani which   report of May 25, 2013,   “Police
          Kamala forest  of  Tral.  As the  from  troops  that  his  brother,   Khalid had brought for them.” The  sources  said  that  militants
          people of Tral identified the body of  Burhan, has been killed and they   report does not end there. “We,”   snatched 3 AK-47 rifles from the
          the  ‘militant’  they  immediately  need to verify the body. Khalid took  CNS quotes one of his friends,   dead Army personnel and fled away
          protested and pelted stones on   his friends along with him. What   Wasim saying, “asked Khalid to   to nearby Bicchu Payeen village.
          Indian troops. It turned out that   happened afterwards? His father, a  leave for the home but he asked us  The militants left behind the two
          Indian  troops  had  once  again  principal of a government school   to wait at a distance and started   SLRs which they had taken away
          conducted   their   famous   says, “It was a custodial killing…   some private conservation with his  from a minority security picket in
          encounters to kill a “militant”. The  He was tortured. All his teeth had   brother Burhan.” (‘Khalid had gone  village Arigam, Tral in May last
          murdered youth, Khalid Muzzafar  been  damaged, his  nose  was   to meet his brother’ CNS April 14).  year.” (4 Army men, militant killed
          Wani, was the elder brother of a  broken, and as was his forehead   Why biryani, why not any other   in Tral). Beheading anyone creates
          militant commander, Burhan.  and skull, perhaps by gun butts.”   dish? To fit Khalid and Burhan in a  terror among the enemy ranks. It
          Why did troops kill Khalid? The   (Protests in  Tral after 25-yr-old   classical   propaganda   about   always plays on your psychology
          troops could have murdered him  killed by Army, IE April 15).    To   militants’ love for biryani, which a   and that too when the guy is only a
          anywhere in the Tral locality, why  counter  it,  army  used  news   common person repeatedly sees in  teenager.  It creates an aura of
          did they choose Buchoo’s Kamala  agencies of Kashmir. One of the   Bollywood  movies  and  serials.   invisibility. Burhan, by beheading
          forest?  Why  was  only  Khalid  largest  local  news  gathering   Unlike Indian Muslim’s fondness for  troopers, send a powerful message
          murdered and the rest of three   agencies of Kashmir, CNS, reported  biryani it is not a menu food of   that the every Goliath has a David
          youth left alive? To understand it  that post mortem was carried out in  Kashmir. In fact the news agency's  to counter with.
                                                                                       It seems for two years troopers
          one needs first of all to know that  which it was concluded that Khalid  report clearly states that Burhan
          Kashmir is a conflict place where  “died  because of bullet injury”.   was an active member of pro-  waited. It can’t be coincidence that
                                                                                      Khalid was murdered in the same
          more than half-a-million troops are  (Death of Tral youth: Post-mortem  armed resistance organisation and
          stationed to control the hostile   report shows bullet injuries cause   troops did not kill civilians. “As we   place. A twenty something pro-
          population. These troops have not  of death, CNS April 21).  Barring a  were running, two Army soldiers   armed  resistance  fighter  now,
          occupied Kashmir to protect its   few prominent English newspapers  ordered us to hands up and we did   Burhan   has   proved   an
          people  but  to  control   the  of  Valley  most  of  the  English  the same and quickly informed   insurmountable for more than half-
          population and kill any dissent in  newspapers  carried  the  ‘post   them that we are civilians and they   a-million  Indian troopers. Since
          whatever form.          mortem report’ as such. Khalid’s   did  not  open fire  on  us  after   they are unable to get him, they, in
                                                                                      their tradition, go for soft targets.
                                  father denied from day one that no  checking our identity,” the report
          As the reluctant media men picked  post mortem was conducted on the  reads.  See  how  troops  are   Burhan is one among the many 4G
          up the news following massive   body. Six days earlier the same   heroically   exonerated   and   warriors   of  Kashmir   who
          protests in Tral area, Indian troops  news gathering agency carried a   presented  as  the  saviours  of   understands how the morale of
          backtracked on their early version  malicious report in which it stated   Kashmir. It is important to ask why   armed men can be shattered. Every
          and labelled Khalid as an “over                                             murder that troops have committed
                                  that Khalid’s father had “full faith in  only the news agency did such
          ground worker” of the pro-armed   Mufti”.   According  to  it  the   reports? What were they trying to   in the past 7 years has only pushed
          resistance movement. To concur   murdered youth’s father said, “I   gain by carrying such reports? Why  determined men into the ranks of a
          their lie they later added that the   have full faith in Mufti and I am sure  were only they given access to   pro-armed resistance movement.
          three youth were rescued from   he  will  take  the  guilty  army   detained youths? The importance   Then they come out as 4G warriors
          joining   armed   resistance   personnel to task and also initiate   of this agency can be gauged that   terrorising their enemy. If the 4G
          movement.  When  The  Indian   action against those who dub my   pro-India politicians ranging from   warriors  don’t  kill  them  then
          Express  correspondent  asked   son as OGW without any proof.”   chief  minister  to  union  health   depression  must.  And  troops
          Khalid’s father,  Muzzafar Wani,   (Have full faith in Mufti” April 15). A  minister  release  its  telephone   committing suicide on daily basis in
          what   happened;   he  told   journalist of south Kashmir, Khalid  directory.   Kashmir is a proof of that.
          categorically that his son’s body   Gul, while trashing this report wrote  In conflict area, canards are spread
          bore torture marks.
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