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July 03 to July 09 2017 : Weekly News Magazine
          messenger        REVIEW                                                                   11

           The  Webster  dictionary  defines   The level of discontent has to be of
           terrorism as “the use of violent acts to   such a degree that the people are
                                    either themselves ready to use violent
           frighten the people in an area as a way  people  capable  of  committing  violent  Colour of
           of trying to achieve a political goal”.   means to avenge themselves or they
           Terror  does  not  have  any  colour,   are willing to support and shelter other
           creed,  caste  or  religion.  It  is  simply
           violence  to  frighten  people  to  toe  a   acts  against  their  oppressors.  In  the
           particular  line  or  reduce  them  to   case  of  the  sub-continent  there  are
           submission. It has become a tool in   umpteen occasions were people are   Terror!
           the hands of unscrupulous people   highly discontented and are ready to
           throughout the world which has come   support  violent  means  to  avenge
           to  be  known  as  the  International   themselves.  Kashmir  is  a  classic
           Terrorism. However, there have been   example where the people have been   lobby,  part  of  which  supports  the  colour  is  not  the  right  approach.
           many attempts worldwide to attribute   ready to use violence or support those   Congress party. He further declared   Following that theory we may call the
           it  to  certain  religious  groups  especially    that more than ten Hindus had been  Naxalite terrorism based on Maoism
                                    using  it  against  the  Indian  security
           in the Muslim world. The west has   apparatus. However, due to their past   arrested  b y  the  l aw  e nforcing   as  “Red”  terrorism.  The  Muslim
           been  using  the  term,  the  “Islamic   history  of  spiritualism  and  non-  agencies  for  committing  acts  of  terrorists will qualify to be called the
           Terrorism”.  There  is  an  impression   violence,  they  are  not  inclined  to   terrorism against Muslims which were  “Green  Terrorists”.   The  correct
           created  that  Islam  is  the  religion  of   support  purposeless  terrorist  acts   earlier  attributed  to  Pakistan  or  approach  would  be  to  denounce  all
           terror  and  invariably  Muslims  are   against the civilians. The other places   indigenous   Muslim   Youth   terrorist  acts  regardless  of  colour,
           terrorists. This has happened after the   where terrorist acts take place are the   Organisation  like  SIMI.  With  the  caste, creed and the religion. It also
           9/11  episode  in  which  allegedly   North Eastern States and the Naxalite   Home Minister’s public admission, it is needs to be pointed out that there is
           Muslims belonging to an organisation   areas. In those places also the people   established that the terrorist acts are  something called the “State Terrorism”.
           Al Qaeda were involved. In fact, the   committing these acts call it a war of   not  committed  by  Muslims  alone  as  These  are  violent  acts  committed  by
           Americans  themselves  have  been   liberation  or  the  Maoist  Revolution   had been previously given out by one  the State Security Forces against the
           using  clandestine  violent  means  to   and  so  on.  Again,  the  basis  is  the   and  all.  It  is  a  healthy  development  civilian  population  in  support  of  so
           achieve certain objectives throughout   general discontent with their present   that the government admits existence  called  “State  Security”,  “National
           the  world.  The  Russian  exit  from   status.   of terrorists among other religious   Interest” or even the maintenance of
           Afghanistan was achieved by creating              groups. It has also been debated that  law and order. One has to boldly face
           and fully supporting Taliban, a violent   So far, we had been hearing about the   not all Hindus are terrorists and it is  the truth that terrorism is terrorism
           organisation  to  fight  a  guerrilla  war   Muslim  terrorism  in  India.  It  was  for   only  the  “Saffron”  variety  which  is  whether  committed  by  non-state
           with  them.  Ultimately,  the  chickens   the first time that the Home Minister   training terrorists and asking them to   actors or by the State itself. If we want
           came home to roost for the Americans   declared  that  India  has  “Saffron   commit various violent acts. India has   to eliminate terrorism, we have to take
           and they had Al Qaeda hitting them in   Terror”  also.  Saffron  is  the  colour   always been considered as the land of it head on without any reservations
           their soft belly in New York. Apart from   associated with Hindu Rightist parties   peace and non-violence. It is the land  based  on  political   or  religious
           that  innumerable  terrorist  acts  were          of Buddha. But the things seem to be  considerations. Now that the Home
           initiated  by  them  against  American   like  BJP,  and  other  organisations   changing  now  for  various  reasons  Minister  has  himself  broadened  the
                                    professing extreme Hindu philosophy
           targets all over the world.                       especially those connected with the   definition of terrorism, it is expected
                                    such as the RSS. For some strange   basic discontent of people as well as  that it would be dealt with regardless
                                    reasons  he  called  it  “Saffron Terror”   the extreme discrimination shown to   of colour or the status of the terrorist
           One of the basic requirements for the   instead of straightaway saying that it   lower  strata  of  the  population.   be it from the non-state actors or the
           terrorism  to  flourish  is  to  have   was Hindu terrorism. Probably, he did   However,  attaching  terrorism  with  state  itself!
           discontentment  among  the  people.   not  want  to  annoy  the  entire  Hindu
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