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July 03 to July 09 2017 : Weekly News Magazine
          messenger                                                                                 07

                                                                                      meaning to the presence.
                                                                                      There  are  certainly  small  news
                                                                                      organizations (which fall out of the
                                                                                      mainstream), here and there, that are
                                                                                      fighting to stay out of the cataclysm
                                                                                      capitalist architecture and to them the
                                                                                      consistent threat of being wiped off
                                                                                      the slate are immense, but these are
                                                                                      nevertheless the actual vanguards of
                                                                                      reporting in its essence, and by cutting
                                                                                      down  on  dependencies   such
                                                                                      organizations assure their survival. As
                                                                                      to how long such organizations can
                                                                                      evade the “omnipresent” onslaught of
                                                                                      the media barons is a story that may
                                                                                      perhaps never be told. And then the
                                                                                      question remains as to what all of the
                                                                                      population   comprises   their
                                                                                      audience/readership? Are there any
                                                                                      takers  at  all?  Can  these  small
                                                                                      reporting units match the glamour and
                                                                                      glitz  of  the  corporations  which
                                                                                      consistently bombard the   thought
                                                                                      shelters  of  the  unassuming with
                                                                                      “gilded penances”. The answer is
                                                                                      quite obvious. “The very people, who
                                                                                      should know better, having criticized
                                                                                      the hold of the media on the national
                                                                                      mind, find themselves transfixed by
                                                                                      the press, glued to the television set,
                                                                                      as the candidates preen and smile
                                                                                      and bring forth a shower of clich?s
                                                                                      with a solemnity appropriate for epic
                                                                                      poetry.”  Yet it  is for the common
                                                                                      people to deal with this.
                                                                                      Misrepresented and misinterpreted or
                                                                                      should we say misreported stories
                                                                                       create a vacuum which can be filled
                                                                                       by truth and truth only.
                                                                                       Our own land, Kashmir, with its
                                                    standard              rule the roost,   history  disrupted  by  pertinent
          George Orwell wrote the lines, “Who
          controls the past controls the future.   history books is ideological–biased not   those who pay to make the machinery  disrepute, is marred by misreporting
          Who controls the present controls the  in favor of the people, but towards the  run with ease; facts that matter to the  (positively at the national level) almost
                                  commercial and political interests of   common  man,  the  citizenry  are   everyday,  adding  on  the  pile  of
          past.” He understood that if you can
          control  what  people know about   the men and corporations at the top.”  brushed under the carpets of media   distortions  that  have  come  to
                                                            moguls. It is plain distortion and a   represent  its  people  and  their
          history, if you can decide what gets in
                                  The world media industry is creating   people whose history is distorted on   aspirations. Peaceful demonstrations
          and what is left out, you can order
                                  history,   while   categorizing,                    have been reported as pestilent in
          their thinking. You can order their               an average daily basis are bound to
                                  compartmentalizing   and  coiling
          values. You can in effect organize                face  a  distorted,  uncertain  and   nature ever since reporting turned a
                                  events by way of reportage on a daily
          their  brains  by  controlling  their             convolved future.         new leaf in Kashmir, back in the 90s. A
                                  basis  and  there  is  no  matching                 resistance  movement  has  been
          knowledge,  says  Howard  Zinn,
                                  mechanization   process  running   The world of   reportage, generally   assuredly duped to be a mob outrage,
          American  born  historian,  author,
                                  parallel  to  this  novel  corporation   these days, is like a game of tic tack
          activist, playwright, intellectual and                                      as with every passing hour the media
                                  rooted in the “new world order”. What  toe and really that simple. It is about   machinery is churning news to suit
          Professor of Political Science. And   comes out of the media cannons is by  crossing out the boxes (truths) in
          this is about the best interpretation                                       India Inc. in Kashmir, there is no room
                                  default registered in the minds of the   immediate sweeps and wining the
          that elaborates vividly on the role of                                      for the newsroom.
                                  audience, and to a large extent, as the  game. What is left unreported, I would
          media, I have ever come across. Zinn
                                  irony of the matter is, as being true.   say, mainly comprises of what has
          adds that “most of what we get from
                                  Truths are tailored to suit those who   been  told.  The  absence  lends
          mainstream   media  and  from
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