Page 9 - The Best Begins With You
P. 9

Alejandro Orozco
CSC Process Functional Manager
• What does CI mean to me?
Continuous improvement is the constant search for new ways of doing things seeking to be more efficient (reducing costs, reducing times, optimizing resources, etc).
• My hobbies are: Play with my dogs. Rene Cuellar
Continuous Improvement Manager Mexico
• What does CI mean to me?
Continuous Improvement is the process of self-criticism and business improvement, it is the result of the application of our cultural principles.
• My hobbies are: Reading and hiking.
Jorge Vildoso HR Manager
• What does CI mean to me?
A series of continuous and small improvements is better than a single large change.
• My hobbies are: Spending time with my family, creating application ecosystems for personal productivity (iOS mainly) and each year learning a new skill such as clowning, dancing and programming
Fabian Vázquez
Director of Continuous Improvement
• What does CI mean to me?
It is the involvement of all employees in the use of continuous improvement tools and methodologies for the constant search for waste elimination
in our operations.
• My hobbies are: Playing golf, outdoor activities with the family.

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