Page 11 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 1st Draft 19_01_2020
P. 11
Part 1 explores the history of your happiness up to this point, in other words, the elements that got you where you are now. Part 2 reveals the Powers you can
utilise to get you from where you are now to the level of happiness where you really want and deserve to be.
This project is about the gap between where you are and where you want to be and will help you to close that gap. It is about finding your own inner power to
transform your life and your relationships, for the better. True happiness is achieved when we successfully close the gap. Wake up every day asking yourself,
“What can I do today to close the gap between what I am doing and getting and what really matters most to me?” It is about recognising and understanding
yourself and others as you face these significant cross roads on your life journey, so that you can face them with less fear, disappointment and guilt, and more
confidence, renewed hope and clarity.
Perhaps most importantly, it is a project about facing the truths of your life, truths you may have chosen to ignore or disguise for reasons you thought were
right at the time. It is a project about asking and answering truthfully, the important questions that will release you from past fear, confusion and grief, enabling
you to move with freedom into a life with more purpose, passion, joy, contentment and happiness.
I make no apologies for the fact that this project will pull no punches, after all your happiness may depend on it. Page by page, this project will cause you to
ask the questions that we spend so much energy avoiding or disguising. The process will at times feel uncomfortable, that is why we avoid them or disguise
them, because they are so uncomfortable. Your reward lies beyond the pain of the question, in the very truth of the answers. The Truth Will Set You Free.
So, what can you expect? The questions will be your own, provoked by the material in the pages of this project. The quality of our lives has a direct relationship
to the quality of questions we find the courage to ask ourselves and the truthfulness we apply when answering them. What you get from the material in this
project will depend largely on you. When you find yourself asking a tough question, the greatest rewards lie in digging deep for the truth of your answer. This
will test your true desire for change and improvement of your circumstances, it’s very much up to you. The project will provide the fuel, you have to decide if
you want or need to use it.
As you read each section, you will experience a familiarity with the content, after all, it’s about life and living, something you already know about. Keep a
notepad and pen nearby as you are reminded of events and people in your life. Make notes as you go, there will be lots of thought provoking topics that will
inspire your own set of questions.
This project will provide you with help to find or regain your path to happiness, success and fulfilment, but it will not do the work for you, only you can do
that. Take the information presented here and use it to discover your own truths that will ultimately lead you to the happiness you are entitled to.
With so many of us having to work forty or more hours each week, juggling family, social and personal commitments, most of the reading we do is “on the
run” during coffee breaks, lunchtimes and precious “you” moments. The books we can read quickly are the ones we most enjoy and get most benefit from, so
with that in mind, I would like to spend a moment explaining how I have structured the project with your precious time in mind. Treat each chapter as a taster
for the detailed book on that subject yet to come.
Whilst I sincerely hope you will find all of the information useful and absorbing, we are all different, and as such, some topics will appeal more to you than