Page 8 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 1st Draft 19_01_2020
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I became consciously aware of my spirituality around this time too, fascinated by the works of Neale Donald Walsch, James Redfield, Eckhart Tolle and
Deepak Chopra. Over a fifteen year period, I absorbed the information in hundreds of enlightening books, voraciously read many more articles and what little
time I had left, was spent listening to hundreds of personal development cd’s.
Within close proximity to one another, I faced the extremes of business pressure, suffered near financial ruin and experienced the loss of my parents, who died
within eighteen months of one another. The pretty young wife of a friend was tragically lost to cancer and then my brother was arrested and imprisoned for an
offence he did not commit. He strenuously denied the allegation and was subsequently found completely innocent of all charges. The complainant later admitted
the allegation had been fabricated. With all credit to my brother, he has met up with his accuser and expressed complete forgiveness.
The biggest test of emotional, spiritual and mental strength was yet to come.
My 23 year marriage came to an end. I was responsible. I was so absorbed by the business that I neglected my marriage to the point where I damaged the
relationship beyond repair, and at that time, I felt there was nothing I could do about it. She was the innocent party in it all, having provided support and
encouragement throughout the good and the bad times. The separation was painful, but thankfully, our wonderful children have not been deprived of the
nurturing love and attention of both of us.
Clearly, something had to change if I was ever to find the happiness I felt had eluded me down the years.
The end of my marriage was the catalyst of change for me. This was to become my turning point. Having already travelled some way along my journey of self
discovery, I set out with the deliberate intention of finding out as much as I could about the happiness I believed had eluded me all these years, purely for my
own use. This led me to discover wonderful yet simple processes which have transformed my life.
Many times I had read and heard wonderful promises of how changing my thoughts could change my life. I wanted to believe them, but the natural sceptic,
and perhaps a residual bit of the policeman in me, wanted evidence.
For many years, I harboured a secret desire to create a piece of work that could help others like me, who had spent much of their lives in a fruitless search for
happiness and fulfilment. However, I felt I could not commit to such a project until I was absolutely convinced of the validity of its content. Much of the
information I had absorbed promised wonderful potential but seemed to lack persuasive evidence to support and validate it.
So, I went in search of that evidence. What I discovered amazed me so much, I realised it was now my obligation to share my new knowledge with everyone.
My life has changed dramatically as a result of these discoveries. Of course, the process hasn’t been an easy one, facing the truth about ourselves and life
rarely is, but I have found an inner strength, confidence and happiness that have made all the difference. I have learned that almost everything worthwhile
that we accomplish or acquire is preceded by difficulties, disappointments and temporary failures, leaving in their wake the emotional turmoil of fear,
anxiety, worry and heartache. Page8