Page 9 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 1st Draft 19_01_2020
P. 9

There is nothing new in the techniques and processes I am presenting. They have existed separately for centuries in many different forms. Perhaps the way I
        have put them together is different, but that’s all. I am neither a doctor nor a psychologist nor do I profess to be. I have attempted to keep it all as simple as
        The information I present here has proved invaluable to me and I hope it will prove useful for you.

        There are so many concepts and factors affecting happiness, often presented brilliantly by excellent people. However, I struggled to find one source that
        captured the most important elements of happiness in one place. This was to become my driving purpose for The Truth Will Set You Free, to present a definitive
        piece of work that explores the key elements of happiness, in one place.

        There will never be a universal solution to happiness because happiness means something different to every one of us. What I hope to achieve though, is to
        present a piece of work that will provide you with quality information drawn from the principle areas that affect your daily experiences of happiness.

        What you do with that knowledge contained in these pages, is of course entirely up to you. If one chapter, paragraph or sentence brings light to a darkened area
        of your life, that brings you closer to the happiness you are seeking, then I will consider the effort worthwhile.

        You will read about concepts and processes that will require you to suspend your disbelief whilst the evidence is presented. Then it will be up to you to make
        up your own mind about the usefulness of the content. My intention is simply to present tools that can improve the quality of your life and bring you closer to
        the happiness and fulfilment you truly deserve.

        All of my thoughts and experiences have led me to where I am today, just as your thoughts and experiences have led you to where you are right at this moment.

        May your road to discovery be fruitful, may your own personal “truths” set you free and bring you all the happiness that is your birth right.

        I sincerely hope you enjoy the journey!

        Love and best wishes


        Steve Bennett

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