Page 23 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 1st Draft 19_01_2020
P. 23
Since time began self-knowledge and awareness has been synonymous with happiness and achievement. To perform at your optimum level, you will
need to discover who you truly are beneath the masks you wear, and why you believe, think, feel and act the way you do. You need to identify and
understand the influencing events, choices and people that have shaped your character from earliest days of childhood. You need to discover why you
react and respond the way you do to people and situations around you. As you become more aware and accept yourself, you will begin moving toward more
happiness in all the areas of your life.
Radiant health implies freedom from illnesses, pain or disease that can destroy our zest for life. Good health results in vitality which can make living much
more enjoyable.
Your body is constructed in such a way that if you just stop doing certain things to it, it often recovers and becomes healthy and energetic all by itself.
Whatever achievements you may experience in the material world, if you lose your health or your peace of mind, you get little or no pleasure from your other
As humans we are social animals. We need other people to communicate and share experiences with. We need other people who can help to make us feel we
are OK. It is important to have at least one person whose affection you enjoy. This need not be a romantic relationship. A family member or a friend can also
fill this need.
We are talking about the relationships with the people you love and care about, and the people who love and care about you. Most of our happiness and
unhappiness in life comes from our relationships with others, and it is our relationships with others that make us truly human.
Financial freedom means that having enough money so that you don’t have to worry about money. Achieving financial independence or freedom is one of the
most important goals and responsibilities of your life.
Basic needs vary from individual to individual. For somebody even an old car is a luxury while for another even a Mercedes is not enough. The minimum
we would want to start with would be sufficient income to provide for reasonable food, shelter and clothing. What is reasonable will depend a lot upon attitude. Page23