Page 27 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 1st Draft 19_01_2020
P. 27

Happiness is not a mystery to solve or secret to be revealed in order to be experienced. It is so simple that just about any child can model it even if they
        can’t explain it.

        Happiness created by expressing the love coming out of you

        The emotions you experience are a mirror image of the emotions you express.  When love is coming out of you, you are happy. If you express fear and
                anger, you will experience fear and anger. How you feel is determined by the emotions you create. The reasons you create different emotions at
                different times is because of beliefs in the mind that respond to different prompts. The Perception Cycle describes the process in some detail in
                Chapter 9. Those beliefs are the artificial criteria telling us not to love, or that it is not safe to love.

                If you withhold the expression of love by the belief you have allowed to reside in your mind, you limit the happiness and joy in your life.   Being
                aware that you alone create your emotions and that you can change the belief in your mind is a big shift in responsibility and power over your

        Expressing love is a big step toward happiness.  Your mind may have a lot of different conditions that have to be met before you allow yourself to be happy,
                but those can be changed.  If you change those perceptions you can express love for any reason you choose, or even for no reason at all. You can
                express your love just because you enjoy the feeling of happiness it creates for you.  This isn't being selfish; it is just doing for yourself what no one
                else can do for you.


          We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among
                                         these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. - United States Declaration of Independence

                Happiness is a choice for each one of us to make, regardless of what blessings and tragedies have fallen upon our plate of life.

        Choosing happiness helps us to think good thoughts, and thinking good thoughts helps to create even more happiness. Instead of waiting for all your desires to
        be met before you can feel happy, just choose to be happy right now – as things are, as you are.  Simply decide, "I am going to be happy," regardless.   Then,
        even if you're going through some discomforts or troubling times, you'll find that your spiritual happiness remains alive.

        If you remain absorbed by your temporary feelings – consistently asking whether this event or that person is making you happy, you place the happiness of
        your life at the mercy of other external people or events that you may not always be able to control. Rather, if you make the choice to be happy, the control and
        responsibility for your happiness rests with you. Say to yourself, "I choose to be happy, right here and right now."   Say it and mean it.
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