Page 28 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 1st Draft 19_01_2020
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Making the conscious choice to be happy doesn’t mean you have to compromise and stop making efforts to improve your circumstances, rather that you stop
making them with stress and doubt. By choosing happiness, you'll be more likely to take clear-headed and clear-hearted decisions that can also help to bring
your outer life into greater harmony with your authentic self.
Don't let fears, worries, or doubts obstruct your happiness. Fill your life with happy thoughts, and you'll attract a happy life.
When one goal appears, don't upset yourself by thinking, "Where is the other one?" Be grateful that one has materialised and let the positive energy of your
gratitude feed back into the universe and create even more positive results.
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize that nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you! - Lao Tzu
Instead of waiting for something to make you happy, “I’ll be happy if and when,” . . “Next time I’ll be happier because” . . “We’d be happier there” . . you
can choose to feel joy about anything NOW, not if and when not next time, not someplace else, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. Right now, there is something
in your life that you can feel joy about. Just by feeling that joy, you will be putting out more "joy energy" into your world, and that same joy will reflect and
come back to you even more abundantly.
As my research continued, I also began to recognise more clearly that happiness is, and has always been, right inside my heart and soul, as it most certainly
also exists fully inside of you.
Happiness Comes From Within
The first step in finding happiness is to understand that happiness always comes from inside yourself. Even if your experience of happiness appears
to be coming from an outer source or experience, the actual happiness is coming from within you.
Men and women are rushing hither and thither in the blind search for happiness, and cannot find it; nor ever will until they recognize that happiness
is already within them and round about them, filling the universe, and that they, in their selfish searching, are shutting themselves out from it.
--James Allen “As A man Thinketh”
That happiness comes from within and not from exterior events or other people, becomes clear when we discover that certain situations that had once brought
great happiness no longer create the same effect. Time and time again, each of us is given opportunities to learn and remember that it is not outer things that
bring happiness, but the attachment of our inner thoughts and feelings with those things. Our inner thoughts and feelings are the basis of both our happiness
and our unhappiness.
Because happiness comes from within, even when things don't appear to be going perfectly well outwardly, it is still possible to experience sincere Page28
happiness. It is our inner feeling that creates happiness, along with how we interpret the events of life. When you start to realise that lasting happiness is not