Page 2 - Creating Value 2020
P. 2



              AFTER THE STORM PASSES                             Value is as essential to love, life and business as
                                                                 water is to nature.
              You hardly need to be told that life has
              changed over the past few weeks.

              The more pressing question isn’t

              whether the world will change, but by
              how much.

              We live in a perplexing time, which is
              changing - as only the world wars did,
              - our views of the world we live in.

              Refocusing on the attitudes we adopt
              and the actions we take can turn the
              adversity of change into opportunity
              for creative growth, leading to a better,
              more fulfilling future.

              We wanted to discover what the
              worlds respected philosophers,
              business brains and psychologists
              thought would be the essential tools
              individuals and businesses would
              need, not merely to survive, but to                WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH,
              positively thrive in the world they are          THE TOUGH GET G-R-O-W-I-N-G
              calling the ‘New Normal’.
                                                               No-one wants to be average in the key
              Creating value is the short answer.              areas of life, accomplishing a fraction of
                                                               what we are capable of. Yet many accept
              Personal or professional, we’re going            mediocrity and wonder why they do not
              to cover what matters most.                      feel any great sense of fulfilment.

              In the post Corona world, there will be
                                                               So, how can we grow in this new world
              changes to the way we live our lives,            where mediocrity will no longer be good
              bring value to our loved ones, forge a           enough? Pre-eminence in creating value is
              future career, build our businesses and          the surest way to ensure growth in our
              take our place in the community.
                                                               homes, career and businesses.

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