Page 6 - Creating Value 2020
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THOSE WHO ADD VALUE WILL Whether it’s because their time is eaten up
SURVIVE AND THRIVE with a million other things in their lives, or
even worse, that they’ve accepted that the
There are more than 7 billion people pursuit simply isn’t possible.
on this planet that breathe walk and
talk just like you do, many with goals Either way, to deliberately walk away from
and objective very similar to yours. what drives you is to turn your back on
something special. It’s like sitting on a
Kind of overwhelming when you winning lottery ticket and to refuse to cash
think about it. it in.
What makes you any different to Imagine if Beethoven hadn’t focused on
anyone else? What makes you and music, if Steve Jobs had only committed a
your situation exceptional? fraction of his time creating the MAC.
What if Thomas Edison and Henry Ford
The answer is VALUE. had given up on their dreams to invent the
light bulb, moving pictures and the motor
We all have a unique ability to bring car? What would the world be like now?
something different to the world,
something valuable to offer. Thankfully they didn’t, they followed their
passions wholeheartedly. They pursued
This exists with every single person on what they loved. They studied, they
the planet. The question is will you practised, they improved, they went ‘all-in’
allow yourself to be that person? and in so doing they each made something
the human race had never seen.
Are you brave enough to pursue your
passion?. To turn it into something There’s a point in every persons life when
meaningful? the light bulb turns on. Maybe it’s a
realisation that the commute to that job
It’s the pursuit of passion that will isn’t fulfilling, or that the time spent
allow you to thrive. Where you thrive hanging out with friends could have been
you innovate and where there’s redirected at something else, improving a
innovation there’s value. craft.
Not only for yourself. Not only are There will come a time when you will
you fulfilling your own aspirations, realise that your focus was misdirected,
you’re providing a gift to the world. that you let what you love fall to the
The sad truth is, and this is no secret,
is that it’s not uncommon for people Hold your head up, look around and seek
to avoid doing what they’re out what makes you feel alive.
passionate about. Why would they?