Page 8 - Creating Value 2020
P. 8


              HOW CAN I ADD VALUE?                            Contributing to other people—adding
                                                               value to their lives—is the only way to gain
              Question whether you are focusing on             another person’s buy-in, and it’s one of the
              the right things, are you following              few ways to get others to believe in you.
              your passion in a way that adds value
              to your life, which will in turn add             This is important in many facets of life:
              value to those around you.                       leadership, friendships, relationships,
                                                               connecting with new people, and
              Value is such a simple concept, but              especially with your family and loved
              like most simple concepts it often gets          ones.
                                                               No matter how we contribute, it’s
                   Businesses fail when value is              important to add value in an authentic
                     absent.                                   way—without an ulterior motive—genuine
                                                               and helpful and unassuming.
                   Relationships fall apart.

                   Dreams aren’t fulfilled when                   “Try not to become a person of success but a
                     value leaves the forefront of                     person of value.” — Albert Einstein

                     peoples lives.

              Go ‘all-in’ on the things that bring
              value to your life, eliminate the things         We’ve all benefited from someone’s
              that don’t.                                      contribution in the past, people who added
                                                               value to our lives.
              You’ll see that everything will change,
              you’ll develop a sense of identity, an           When we receive value we find it
              indescribable joy.                               important to reciprocate by adding value to
                                                               other people whenever we can.
              The question is ‘are you allowing
              yourself to evolve into the person you           In fact, you’re reading this because this
              were meant to be, or are you watching            article is being written to add value to
              the best part of life pass you by,               other people, to add value to your lives.
              waiting for another time to do what
              you were put on this planet to do?               We listen more than we talk. We care about
                                                               other people. And we love.
              Get what’s yours.
                                                               Who adds value to your life?
              Let your talents change the world.
                                                               How do you, will you add value to others?

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