Page 4 - Creating Value 2020
P. 4


              ADDING VALUE.                                    Many companies mistakenly focus on
              WHAT SPRINGS TO MIND?                            aspects of their product or service they
                                                               consider to be of significant value.
              Loved ones, family and friends.
              To many, value means the extent of               All too often this aims for the target but
              love, understanding and acceptance               misses the point. What is really important
              they bring to relationships, their               is what the customer considers to be of
              significant other, family members and            added value over and above what was
              friends.                                         expected.

              Career and work
              For those in work, or considering a               ‘Value is subjective like beauty, it’s in the eye of the
              career move, it might be the value of             beholder’.
              their contribution to their company or
              the value of their talents and attributes        Value is something that is defined by your
              to a prospective new employer.                   loved ones, your family, your friends, your
                                                               employers, your staff your customers, not
              Community                                        you.
              Some of us are drawn to giving of time
              and energy to community-based                    It doesn’t matter what you think is of
              activities. Adding value to a                    value; if whoever you are trying to win
              community can be as simple as                    around fail to see the value in what you’re
              lending an ear when it’s needed.                 doing, quite simply, there is none.

                                                               Whether it’s at home, work or in the
                                                               community, most of us want to achieve
                                                               our fullest potential and fulfilment as
                                                               worthwhile contributors to our
                                                               relationships, families, work and society.

                                                               There is barely a product or service on the
                                                               market today that customers can’t buy
                                                               from someone else for about the same
              Business                                         price, about the same quality, about the
              Perhaps the most common association              same level of service with about the same
              with the phrase ‘Adding Value’ is that           level of features and benefits.
              which businesses often use when they
              promote themselves to customers.                 To make a real difference in business,
                                                               companies must create value to the extent
              Value is subjective like beauty, … it’s          that price is less significant. They display
              in the eye of the beholder.                      consistent loyalty, willing to turn down a
                                                               better product or a better price to keep

                                                               doing business with you.

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