Page 10 - Creating Value 2020
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BECOMING A PERSON OF Providing value means becoming a creator
VALUE IS THE ULTIMATE instead of a consumer.
The only way I’ve become happier is to
If you find yourself blinded by the create more value for others. To be more
hunt for success, remember to focus useful to others. There’s something
on providing real value. It’s a lot satisfying about making a difference in
harder to practice, but your long-term someone else’s life.
success depends on it.
In your career, if you focus on adding
Your long-term goal should be to value to your company or helping the
create relationships and provide a company succeed, you’re more likely to be
sense of fulfillment. It’s the most noticed and considered for a raise or
practical way to long-term success. promotion.
More success is attributed to those But if all you care about is your payslip,
who contribute value to others than you probably won’t progress.
those seeking their own glory.
When you focus on value, you become
When others in your space know you driven to create and provide more value
and know the value you’ve already for others.
provided, they trust you personally,
your brand your service or your When you provide value to others, your
product. success grows organically. People seek
more from you, talk about you to others,
They want to engage with and and share you amazing resources with
support you in your work, in the same their connections.
way, you have supported them in
theirs. In striving to create value, you’ll be
successful — no matter where your
Offering value is a is a much better journey takes you.
way to approach success and your
relationships with others, whether Don’t be someone that just takes.
they are exchanging money for it or
not. Be someone that gives.
Creating value is one of the secrets to Something amazing happens when
a happy life. I don’t know about you, givers succeed: it spreads and
but I am happiest when I’m immersed attracts more people.
in the “flow” of creating and sharing
value. Start seeing yourself as a giver.
Be a person of value.