Page 3 - The Jake Sullivan Series Media Guide
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         We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us About

         ongoing battle with Group 45.

         He  soon  finds  himself  in  a  confrontation  with  a  late  night  assailant,  the  descendent  of  a
         minor historical figure of the Nineteenth Century, who provides Jake with an amazing tale
         and  a  strange  drawing  that  may  hold  the  key  to  solving  a  murder  clouded  by  history  and
         finding the long-lost City of Gold.

         Once again, Jake and Mike embark on an adventure, aided by a knowledgeable young intern
         from the Federal Institute of Native Studies, and, as usual, the warning sign circling slowly on
         the surface of the water does not even begin to represent the dangers and discoveries to be
         found far below.


                    Come Monday                         Trying to Reason with               Havana Daydreamin'
                                                        Hurricane  Season
                    Set          sultry                                                                   1958, and
                    backdropof  Miami  and                           of                                 the mob’s
                    the  Keys, Come Monday                      President                            is barely      warm
                    is a tale   of having it all        Jordan  Fletcher  has just          breeze away         the
                    and losing it in one                negotiated a  historical                          his gambling
                    major  misstep.  Jake               treaty with Cuba, and its                 sparkling on the ocean:
                    Sullivan  is  chief                                                     Havana, the Monte Carlo of the
          prosecuting attorney in the Miami Office of the   t          t           Caribbean. Then…Castro came down from the
         Justice Department. His life is on track with  Miami. He has asked Jake Sullivan to  mountains, armed and on a mission. Batista’s days were
         his dream job, a great  family and good  coordinate the treaty signing ceremony.  Just  numbered, and so was his patronage of Lansky and his
         friends. So it is more than reasonable that he   as Jake and his investigator and close friend,  cronies.
         expects a huge victory in the high profile  Mike Lang, begin their job, they receive the  It was said Lansky moved hundreds of millions of dollars
         murder case he has just taken  on. He has   astounding news that Benjamin Matthews has   out of Cuba. But, when he died in 1983, his estate was
         solid evidence that places an accused serial   died in prison of a heart attack, at the same  reported to be worth only sixty thousand dollars in cash.
         killer, Carlos Ortiz, at the scene of a terrible   time learning that an assassination plot has  What happened to the money?
         murder.                             been hatched against the President and Raul and   With the ratification of the treaty between the U.S.
           Due to the horrific nature of the crimes,   Fidel Castro.             and Cuba, President Jordan Fletcher is encouraging
         the pain to the victims’ families, and his  Working with a threat analysis expert from the   American entrepreneurship on the island. Enter the
         growing conflict with his  boss, Attorney  Secret Service, Jonathan Clark, and Paula Cortez,   mob…with  a  revived  dream  of  government-
         General Benjamin Matthews, Jake becomes   a specialist in Cuban affairs from the FBI, Jake  sanctioned criminal enterprise.
         obsessed with this case, an obsession fueled by  sets about trying to diffuse the plot by   Two competing factions are vying to become the
         his ever increasing reliance on the bottle. And   discovering the identity of a mysterious  new Havana Mob and each knows the key to success is
         just when he needs his wits about him, the  assassin known only as “The Agent”, employed by   finding Lansky’s missing millions. One faction, led by the
         drinking clouds his judgment, his case is lost,   an even more secret organization, “The Birth of  mysterious “Le Lisiado,” is on the offensive: Paula
         and a killer is set free on the streets of Miami.  New Madrid.” As the summer months move by  Cortez, President Fletcher’s liaison to the new Cuban
           With his career in shambles, Jake pulls away   with the assassin still on the loose, the tension   government, is kidnapped.
         from home and family and soon his marriage   builds at Jake’s office, just as tension builds out   When Mike Lang learns of the kidnapping, he
         collapses. When an opportunity arises in Key  on the open water as a very active hurricane  rushes to Havana to save the woman he loves. Threating
         West, he takes off for Margaritaville in hopes   season is underway.    Paula’s death, “Le Lisiado” blackmails Mike into
         of a new start. But what’s in store for him in the   Racing to save the treaty signing and the lives   finding the lost Lansky millions. Desperate for help,
         K Keys is far more than that—it is an opportunity   of the President and the Castro brothers, this   Mike calls upon his best friend, Jake Sullivan. Aided by
         for redemption. The twists and turns in this   second novel by Chip Bell heads to an explosive   a former Lansky employee, Silvio Caroselli, and Manuel
         debut novel by Chip Bell, a  practicing  finish where Jake discovers the true nature of the   Ortega, the new Chief of Havana Police, Mike and Jake
         attorney himself, turns  into a political thriller  danger they face and finds himself in one final   track clues through a maze of leads, racing to find the
         of great complexity and tension,  unraveling a   battle—a battle for his life and the lives of his  treasure and save Paula’s life.
         pl plot that leads all the way to the White House.  family now that he realizes the ultimate truth—  Chip Bell’s third novel takes the reader on a twisted
                                             the target all along was him.       treasure hunt that begins in 1950s Havana and leads to an
                                                                                 ending that no one, especially Mike or Jake, could have
                                                                                 thought possible.

                     Kindle Book Price: $3.99                              Paperback Book Price: $9.99

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